SPEAK! American English Conversation. 6,000+ Vocabulary Words and Phrases in Dialogues

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along, boyfriend, broke, fell, getting, reason, sight, we’re = we are

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have a boyfriend/girlfriend

break up

broke up

get along

just met

love each other

fall in love with

fell in love with

at first sight

get married

getting married

be happy for

39. What are basic human needs?

What are basichuman needs?

In the first place, we need air to breathe.

Naturally, we can’t live without breathing.

In the second place, we need water and food.

Correct, they are vital.

In the third place, we need to sleep.

Yes, we can’t function properly without sleep!

In addition, we need shelter, warmth and sex. Sexual activity is essential to continue life!

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activity, addition, air, basic, breathing, continue, correct, essential, function, human, naturally, properly, second, sex, sexual, shelter, third, vital, warmth, without

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basic human needs

in the first place

air to breathe

live without

in the second place

water and food

in the third place

function properly

without sleep

in addition

sexual activity

to continue life

Safety and Health

40. Help!


What’s going on?

I’ve been robbed!

Call the police.

What’s their number?

Dial 911.

My cellphone was stolen, too!

Use mine.

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911 (nine-one-one), call, cell, dial, help, mine, number, phone, police, rob, robbed, safety, steal, stolen (base form: steal)

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going on

call the police

my cell phone

use mine

41. Call an ambulance!

Call an ambulance!

Are you not feeling well?

I have chest pain.

Is it severe?

Mild, but it might be a heart problem.

Does anything else hurt?

Stomach and back.

Okay, I’ll call an ambulance.

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ambulance, back, chest, else, feeling, heart, hurt, might, mild, pain, problem, severe, stomach

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call an ambulance

chest pain

a heart problem

anything else

42. Call the doctor, please!

Call the doctor, please!

Are you sick?

I think so. I have a headache.

That’s bad news. Have you checked your temperature?

No, I don’t have a thermometer.

What about your blood pressure?

I don’t have a blood pressure monitor.

Okay, stay in bed. I’ll call the doctor.

* * *


blood, check, headache, monitor, pressure, sick, stay, temperature, thermometer

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call the doctor

be sick

have a headache

have a thermometer

blood pressure

blood pressure monitor

stay in bed

43. I need a little help

I need a little help. Fetch me the first aid kit, please.

What’s happened?

I hurt myself a little bit.

Is it bad? Do you want to put on a bandage?

No, just a Band-Aid.

No problem. Let me put it on.

Thank you for your help!

You are welcome. Next time, be more careful!

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aid, bandage, Band-Aid, bit, careful, fetch, happen, kit, let, more, myself, next, welcome

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need a little help

first aid kit

hurt myself

a little bit

put on a bandage

Let me…

Thank you for…

you are welcome

next time

be more careful

44. Watch out!

Watch out! There are icicles above your head.

Let’s get away from the building.

Be careful! There’s ice under your feet.

Yeah, it’s slippery here.

There’s no ice on the other side of the street.

It’s a good thing! Why don’t we walk across the road?

That’s a good idea!

Hang on to my arm.

* * *


above, across, arm, away, building, feet, hang, head, here, ice, icicle, idea, road, side, slippery, street, there’s = there is, thing, under, watch, yeah

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watch out

above your head

get away from

be careful

under your feet

it’s slippery here

on the other side of

a good thing

Why don’t we…

walk across

a good idea

hang on to

45. Stop! Don’t cross the road

Stop! Don’t cross the road.

Why not?

Because the traffic light is red.

It was just yellow.

Let’s wait for it to turn green.

The vehicles are far away. Let’s run!

That’s dangerous.

Okay, let’s not take any chances.

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chance, cross, dangerous, green, light, red, run, traffic, turn, vehicle, wait, yellow

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don’t cross = do not cross

the traffic light

Let’s (= let us) wait for…

turn green

far away

let’s run

let’s not

take chances

46. Beware of the dog!

Beware of the dog!

What dog?

It’s behind you. Turn around!

Oh, this one? It is not dangerous.

Are you sure? It ran out of those automatic gates!

So what? Maybe it lives there!

Pay attention to the sign on the gate: “Beware of vicious dog”!

This dog has kind eyes. It is not vicious!

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around, attention, automatic, behind, beware, dog, eye, gate, kind, maybe, pay, ran, sign, sure, those, vicious

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beware of

behind you

turn around

be sure

ran out of

automatic gates

So what?

Pay attention to…

kind eyes

47. You’re driving too fast

You’re driving too fast. Eighty miles per hour!

Don’t be afraid. I’m an experienced driver.

We could have gotten in an accident. Slow down!

Okay, I’m slowing down.

Keep your distance!

The distance is sufficient.

Be careful behind the wheel!

Stop telling me what to do, please!

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accident, afraid, could, distance, down, drive, driver, eighty, experience, gotten, hour, keep, mile, per, sufficient, wheel

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miles per hour

be afraid

an experienced driver

get in an accident

slow down

keep distance

keep your distance

behind the wheel

stop telling

what to do

48. Do you smell the smoke?

Do you smell the smoke?

Yes, I do. Something is burning!

Did you turn on the heater?

No, I didn’t. The house has been warm without it.

Did you light candles?

I don’t have any.

Did you cook in the kitchen?

Yes! I forgot to turn off the stove!

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burn, candle, cook, forget, forgot, heater, kitchen, off, smell, smoke, something, stove

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smell the smoke

something is burning

turn on

turn on the heater

light candles

cook in the kitchen

forgot to

turn off

turn off the stove

49. What will you do in case of a fire?

What will you do in case of a fire?

I will call the fire department.

Will you try to put out the fire yourself?

Yes, with a fire extinguisher.

What if it is not there?

I’ll look for a water hose.

What if it’s not there either?

Then I’ll bring buckets of water!

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bring, bucket, case, department, either, extinguisher, fire, hose, try

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What will you do…

in case of

call the fire department


put out the fire

a fire extinguisher

a water hose

buckets of water

50. Take an umbrella with you!

Take an umbrella with you!

I don’t want to.

Why not?

I could forget it somewhere.

It’s raining outside!

I’ll put on a raincoat.

It doesn’t protect against hail!

Yes, but it protects against rain and wind.

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against, doesn’t = does not, hail, outside, protect, rain, raincoat, somewhere, umbrella, wind

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take with you

protect against

rain and wind

51. Do you live in a safe area?

Do you live in a safe area?

Yes, the crime rate is low there.

Do you lock the doors at night?

Yes, and in the daytime, just in case.

Do earthquakes occur in the area?

No, never.

What about the floods?

They take place sometimes. A river is nearby!

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area, crime, daytime, door, earthquake, flood, lock, low, nearby, never, occur, rate, river, safe, sometimes

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in a safe area

the crime rate

lock the doors

at night

in the daytime

just in case

earthquakes occur

in the area

take place

be nearby

52. Why are you staring at the printer?

Why are you staring at the printer? Have you encountered a problem?

Yes, the printer does not react to any commands. Why?

It cannot read your thoughts!

No, seriously, what could be the cause?

It can be a combination of causes. Is it connected to the socket with a cable?

Sure. I can check if the connection is secure.

Do it carefully. Don’t risk your life! Don’t grab bare wires!

They are not bare. Don’t worry, I know how to ensure my own safety!

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bare, cable, cannot, carefully, cause, combination, command, connect, connection, encounter, ensure, grab, printer, react, read, risk, secure, seriously, socket, stare, thought, wire

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stare at

staring at

encounter a problem

encountered a problem

react to

read thoughts

read your thoughts

a combination of causes

connected to… with

check if

do it

don’t risk = do not risk

don’t grab = do not grab

bare wire (s)

know how (to)

ensure safety

ensure my own safety

53. Have you heard of the recent emergency at the factory?

Have you heard of the recent emergency at the factory?

Yes, there was an extremely powerful explosion two days ago.

Was anybody injured?

There were a few victims. The rescue team pulled them out of the building.

Couldn’t they get out of it themselves?

No, the explosion was completely unexpected. The entry was blocked.

Was there a fire?

Yes, the flames spread quickly. However, the firefighters managed to deal with the fire.

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anybody, block, completely, couldn’t = could not, deal, emergency, entry, explosion, extremely, factory, firefighter, flame, heard (base form: hear), however, injure, powerful, pull, quickly, rescue, spread, team, themselves, unexpected, victim

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hear of

heard of

the recent emergency

at the factory

a powerful explosion

two days ago

a few victims

the rescue team

pull out of

pulled them out of

get out of

spread quickly

manage to

managed to

deal with

54. Is there an effective cure for cancer?

Is there an effective cure for cancer?

Not yet, but cancer research continues. The latest findings are likely to make a difference.

What can terminally ill people hope for today? Nothing but magic?

The only real hope is dramatic improvements in drug therapy and surgery.

Is it true that this illness is caused by viruses?

Yes, some types of cancer might be caused by infection.

What is the main difficulty in cancer treatment?

The disease starts without symptoms. Some people find out they are ill when it is too late.

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by, cancer, cure, difficulty, disease, dramatic, drug, effective, find, finding, hope, ill, illness, improvement, infection, late, latest (base form: late), likely, main, make, research, start, surgery, symptom, terminally, therapy, today, treatment, true, type, virus

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an effective cure for

cancer research

the latest findings

to make a difference

terminally ill

hope for

nothing but

the only hope

improvements in

drug therapy

Is it true that…

caused by

the main difficulty

without symptoms

find out

too late

55. My eighty-year-old grandma has a fever

My eighty-year-old grandma has a fever. How do we identify its causes?

A fever is a common symptom of the flu virus.

So, she caught the flu from my ninety-year-old grandpa.

Do they have equally high temperature?

He had a fever last week. His temperature decreased to normal recently.

Did he take tablets for fever?

Yes, but she does not want to take them. Her temperature remains high for now.

She must take the medicine to get better. Tell her they are vitamins!

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better, caught (base form: catch), common, decrease, eighty-year-old, equally, fever, flu, grandma, grandpa, high, identify, its, medicine, must, ninety-year-old, normal, remain, tablet, vitamin, week

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has a fever

a common symptom of

the flu virus

caught the flu from

equally high

last week

take tablets for

for now

to get better

56. Are patients put to sleep during surgical operations?

Are patients put to sleep during surgical operations?

In some cases, they must be unconscious. In other cases, conscious.

When must a patient be awake? Can you give a fairly common example?

Laser eye surgery. It’s a complex operation to improvevision.

Is it crucial for patients to stay motionless?

No, the complex surgical equipment controls every motion of their eyes.

Is there risk that the vision becomes worse as a result?

The risk is minimal. In most cases, the vision recovers quickly after the operation.

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awake, become, complex, conscious, control, crucial, during, equipment, every, example, fairly, improve, laser, minimal, motion, motionless, operation, patient, recover, result, surgical, unconscious, vision, worse

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put to sleep

in some cases

in other cases

be awake

a common example

eye surgery

a complex operation

to improve vision

Is there risk that…

becomes worse

as a result

in most cases

57. My fingers and toes are aching

My fingers and toes are aching. Besides, I have knee pain. What doctor should I see?

An orthopedist.

also feel pain in the lungs and other internal organs.

Visit an internist. I know a good one, but she is pregnant and on maternity leave now.

In addition, I have nightmares. I dream that a hospital nurse drops poison on my tongue by mistake. This causes throat spasm!

That is likely a mental problem. Does anyone get on your nerves in reality?

Yeah, poisonous snakes do. They are hard of hearing but see well up close. Their venom can cause shock!

There are no venomous snakes in our area. Start with consultingpsychiatrist!

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ache, aching, also, besides, close, consult, consulting, dream, drop, feel, hearing, internal, internist, knee, leave, lung, maternity, mental, mistake, nerve, nightmare, nurse, organ, orthopedist, our, poison, poisonous, pregnant, psychiatrist, reality, shock, snake, spasm, throat, toe, tongue, venom, venomous, visit

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knee pain

feel pain in

internal organs

visit an internist

on maternity leave

have nightmares

dream that

by mistake

throat spasm

a mental problem

get on your nerves

in reality

poisonous snakes

hard of hearing

see well

up close

start with

Going on Foot

58. Excuse me, how do we get to the city center?

Excuse me, how do we get to the city center?

It’s on the opposite side of the river. You need to go across the river.

Is there a bridge nearby?

Yes, walk along the riverbank until you see it.

Is that far from here?

Yes, it’s a long walk. It takes about an hour to get there.

Is there a shorter path?

No, unless you take a boat.

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boat, bridge, center, excuse, foot, opposite, path, riverbank, shorter (base form: short), unless, until

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Excuse me…

how do we get to

city center

on the opposite side of

walk along

a long walk

It takes…

to get there

a shorter path

take a boat

59. Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?

Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?

Walk straight three blocks.

Is that far away?

It’s a fifteen minute walk.

Is it open now?

It must be.

Thank you!

My pleasure.

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fifteen, minute, nearest (base form: near), open, pleasure, straight, supermarket

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the nearest supermarket

walk straight

a fifteen minute walk

my pleasure

60. Excuse me, where is the restroom here?

Excuse me, where is the restroom here?

Follow the wide corridor to the end.

We were at the end of it but didn’t find the door.

Turn right intonarrow passage.

Okay, right. Where to next?

Go down the passage. The bathroom should be on the left.

Thank you very much!

You are welcome.

* * *


corridor, follow, into, narrow, passage, restroom, wide

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follow the corridor

to the end


at the end of

find the door

turn right

a narrow passage

down the passage

Thank you very much

61. Shall we go up the stairs?

Shall we go up the stairs?

No, my legs hurt. Let’s take the escalator.

Aren’t you afraid of falling?

No, I’ll hold on to the handrails.

There’s also an elevator.

I don’t want to use the elevator.

Are you afraid of confined spaces?

No, but the elevator can get stuck!

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confine, elevator, escalator, falling, handrail, hold, leg, space, stair, stick, stuck (base form: stick)

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go up the stairs

take the escalator

afraid of falling

hold on to

confined spaces

get stuck

62. Excuse me, are you from here?

Excuse me, are you from here?

Yes. How can I help you?

Could you tell me where the pharmacy is?

Go down this street. The pharmacy is around the corner.

Is there a grocery store?

Yes, to the left of the pharmacy.

And the market?

No, the market is far away. You had better get a cab!

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cab, corner, grocery, market, pharmacy, store

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from here

Could you tell me…

around the corner

a grocery store

to the left of

You had better…

63. I want to take a walk

I want to take a walk. Let’s go to the central park!

It is too far from here. We could just walk back and forth on this road or elsewhere.

This road is rough. We will have to move slowly. I want to go at a fast pace!

If you’re afraid of stumbling, mind your step.

Road repairs are ahead. It leads nowhere! Why don’t we change direction?

Fine, let’s go directly to the park.

Thank you! Where is the shortest way there?

Down this lane. Follow me!

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ahead, central, direction, directly, elsewhere, forth, lane, lead, mind, move, nowhere, pace, park, repair, rough, shortest (base form: short), slowly, step, stumble, way

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take a walk

the central park

too far from here

back and forth

on this road

move slowly

at a fast pace

afraid of stumbling

mind your step

road repairs

lead nowhere

change direction

go directly to

the shortest way

follow me

64. Do you see the castle beyond the wall?

Do you see the castle beyond the wall?

Yes, there are several towers made of gray stone.

It was built in the Middle Ages mainly from local materials.

Why here? I mean, what was the advantage of this place?

It’s on the hill next to the river. Going upward would have been harder than downward.

An enemy army could surround the castle. Defenders would have to surrender.

Not necessarily. They could escape throughsecret tunnel!

Thank God those days are gone!

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advantage, age, army, beyond, built (base form: build), castle, defender, downward, escape, god, gone, gray, harder (base form: hard), hill, local, mainly, material, mean, middle, necessarily, secret, stone, surrender, surround, through, tower, tunnel, upward, wall

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beyond the wall

made of

in the Middle Ages

the advantage of

next to

going upward/downward

not necessarily

escape through

a secret tunnel

thank God

those days are gone


65. Where’s the bus stop?

Where’s the bus stop?

I have no idea.

Somebody must know. Let’s ask around.

There’s no one around.

Let’s look for a bus stop sign then.

Look over there. There it is!

I can’t see it without glasses.

Wear them, or you’ll get lost in the city!

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ask, bus, glasses, lost (base form: lose), somebody, transportation, you’ll = you will

* * *


bus stop

no idea

ask around

no one around

a bus stop sign

get lost

66. Is the bus fare expensive?

Is the bus fare expensive?

No, it’s cheap.

How about a taxi?

It’s expensive.

What are the other means of transport here?

Tram and subway.

Where can I buy subway tickets?

At the station, I think.

* * *


cheap, expensive, fare, means, station, subway, taxi, ticket, tram, transport

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bus fare

it’s (= it is) cheap

it’s expensive

means of transport

subway tickets

67. How do we get to the park?

How do we get to the park?

It’s a couple of tram stops from here. We can ask the driver where to get off the tram.

Where can I buy tickets?

From the ticket machines.

How do I pay for them?

By card or in cash.

Can we get on the tram and pay the driver?

No, you need to have a ticket before boarding.

* * *


before, boarding, card, cash, machine

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tram stops

get off the tram

buy tickets

ticket machines

by card

in cash

get on the tram

pay the driver

before boarding

68. How do we get to the airport?

How do we get to the airport?

By bus or taxi.

Are we going to buy tickets at the box office?

No, I’ve already bought them online.

Awesome! Did you print them out?

This is not required. All we need is passports.

How do you know all this?

I’ve already flown abroad a few times.

* * *


abroad, airport, awesome, bought (base form: buy), box, flown, fly, office, online, passport, print, require

* * *


at the box office

print them out

All we need is…

a few times

69. Look at the signs. Are we going to the Arrivals area?

Look at the signs. Are we going to the Arrivals area?

No, the Departures.

Domestic Departures?

No, International Departures.

How about Transfers?

This is not for us. We don’t change planes. We have a direct flight.

Is our flight on time?

Let’s check the board. Sometimes flights are delayed or canceled.

* * *


arrival, board, cancel, delay, departure, direct, domestic, flight, international, plane, transfer

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