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Chapter 2. The practice of past life memories

1. Keeping a diary

To record what you will see when viewing past lives, you need a diary.

After a few months, it will be useful to go back to your records and re-read them. What was unclear at first will later form a whole picture in your head. Therefore, it is necessary to record events, names and dates, but it is even better to describe in detail everything that you have seen and remembered.

Returning later to your diary entries, you will be able to get answers about the purpose of your life, your destination, how to make the right choice and which way to go to achieve happiness and wealth in all its senses.

How to keep a diary?

All our actions, beginning with stopping the inner monologue and ending with recording the memories of past lives viewed, must be treated with impeccability. Any business can be done by half or haphazardly and then there will be no result. You can make an effort and perform your actions perfectly, that is, use one hundred percent of the available force. But there is another approach to solving any problem – to act not by fifty or one hundred percent, but by a thousand percent, that is, to constantly surpass oneself. This is called the impeccable action. Then the result is guaranteed.

So, we will also approach the keeping a diary with impeccability. If you are busy at work or involved in personal problems, then there is always a desire to do everything in a hurry and not pay attention to details. But in this case the magic is lost, and you again do everything in your life the way you did before: according to a habit.

However, what you have at the moment is the result of your actions in the past.

If you still haven't remembered your past lives, it means that you have not acted impeccably, thus not having the right result of your actions. Now you need to explore a new approach. It will be possible to use it not only for meditation or memories of a past life, but also in any business, starting with relationships with people, ending with a career in society. It is necessary to see more opportunities than you have seen before, this is what gives impeccable attention. In fact, there are always various opportunities around us, the main thing is not to pass them by being inattentive.

How to find your diary for entries

To find your diary, browse through the stores and take in your hands a few copybooks or notepads. Whether they are expensive or cheap doesn't matter; what's important is that the copybook should appeal to you and evoke pleasant feelings. When you feel that it's the right copybook (notepad) for you, and you enjoy holding it in your hands, go ahead and confidently make the purchase.

When memories should be recorded

It is necessary to write down memories immediately after the session, because after fifteen to thirty minutes some of the memories are lost. What is the reason for this? This happens because your consciousness, plunging into a past life, metaphorically speaking, works at a different speed, perceiving pictures of the world much faster. This is also the case with a dream: you wake up, remember your dream in details, but after an hour or two only general impression remains of it. This means that you are short of the speed of perception. Therefore, it is better to write down everything in hot pursuit.

How to keep a diary

Keeping a diary is a simple matter: write down the date and then describe what you have seen during the session. Write nicely and legibly to be able to easily re-read what you have written. Your diary should not resemble lectures recorded by a negligent student saving notebook sheets. When your diary is over, buy another notebook and keep writing. Sometimes the liaisons between events becomes visible only after six months or even more.

We are often asked if it is possible to share memories of past lives with family and loved ones? If there is a person in your inner circle who is able to take your stories seriously and without criticism, it is quite possible to tell what you think is necessary.

In fact, practice shows that if such understanding people are around, sooner or later they will join you in searches of the main questions and answers of their life, and will begin to apply techniques of recalling past lives.

To walk along the spiritual path in a couple with your beloved one is the greatest happiness, besides, it may turn out that in this life you live together for a reason. Then telling each other about your past lives will help you to better understand the long-ago events and their effect on this life and on the attitude towards your beloved ones. Sometimes the effect of such memories is similar to the situation when a blind person starts to see light. Even not very joyful events of past lives will lead you to an understanding of the problems of the current life.

And, as you know, understanding the problem is already fifty percent of its solution!


Don't talk about your unique experience with people who are skeptical about the possibility of past lives. Distrust and mockeries, with which people shower everything unknown and incomprehensible, can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Remember the tragic story of Copernicus! History clearly shows that there have always been people telling the truth ahead of their time, which only descendants could appreciate. But society did not always welcomed the great prophets.

Someday, society will be ready to embrace the ideas and practices of past life experiences and will seriously consider the therapeutic potential of this practice on human consciousness from a medical and scientific standpoint. But until those fortunate times arrive, try to avoid unnecessary conflict with those who do not believe in reincarnation.

2. Blocks in consciousness and ways to eliminate them

Possible blocks and their elimination

There is one more point that needs to be clarified before getting started to the technique of recalling past lives. These are the main questions that beginners ask themselves.

Will I be able to do it?

Will I be able to recall anything at all?

Are these exercises dangerous?

Should a person delve into their own subconscious?

Do these practices violate divine or universal laws?

Will there be any punishment for attempting to uncover those layers of knowledge that are not supposed to be touched?

How dangerous is immersion into trance, what if I get stuck there forever?

Such concerns and questions can arise quite frequently. Fear is bred by thought patterns instilled in us by society from childhood. Often, people don't trust themselves, their own thoughts, feelings, or the impulses of their souls. All of this creates unnecessary blocks in consciousness that only slow down the process of recalling past lives. If you don't have such questions and you are confident in yourself or have already engaged in practices of remembrance and meditation, you can confidently skip the text below and proceed directly to mastering the unique techniques provided in this course.

If you still have doubts, then read the lines below, which are dedicated to myths about past lives and their debunking in the form of frequently asked questions and answers.

Attention! If you are a deeply religious person and the very idea of interfering in the «Divine Providence» offends you, we strongly recommend that you refuse to take this course.

3. Myths about past lives

Let's analyze myths and fictions about past lives in the form of questions and answers. We collected and wrote down these questions while dealing with recollection of past lives in the spiritual self-development group.

Question: I won't be able to remember my past lives, because I am a common person, I am not a medium and I do not have special talents. It will take me many years of practice to recall.

Answer: Each person keeps memories of past lives in the depths of their subconscious, it is only necessary to find a way to them. You don't need to be someone special, you just need to have an unbending intent. Everything is actually much simpler than it seems. Pictures of past life usually appear already at the first session of recalling, if you follow the instructions of this course exactly.

Question: Interference in the subconscious of a person is dangerous, since it is not given to us from birth. If we learn something forbidden, we will violate the will of God or the universe.

Answer: Not everything is given to us from birth, we learn a lot by repeating the actions of our parents. If our parents remembered past lives, they would have taught us this, as they taught us to walk, talk, read, etc. In society, little attention is paid to such issues, and therefore the very idea of previous lives seems fantastic.

But now the time has come – this is called spiritual progress. If the universe were against it, no one would never ever remember past lives, but there are tens of thousands who remembered, this number includes the authors of this course.

Question: Trance and deep meditation are a dangerous game with our subconscious, we may go crazy and not return to reality.

Answer: By immersing themselves in a light trance, people remember where they are, who they are and what they are doing at the moment. They can easily return to reality if the session needs to be abruptly terminated. During our course, any sharp deviations that threaten mental health are completely excluded, because you control the whole process yourself.

People in everyday life often deal with more than one reality at one and the same time. Have you ever, for example, written an essay or prepared a term paper while listening to loud music or watching a series on TV? Doing that, you perceive three realities at the same time.

The first reality: you are trailing the content of your work that you're thinking about. For example, you are immersed in the history of France, envisioning the kings of the 17th century. The second: your thoughts about yourself. Perhaps in that moment, you're thinking about how great it would be to quickly finish your work and go out with friends. And finally, the third reality: it's the movie playing on the TV, which you hear in the background and can even follow the events happening on the screen. This is a simple example where a person's consciousness perceives three different worlds without experiencing any imbalance.

Remember: every night you transfer your perception into a dream reality, which is characterized by a shift of perception much deeper than trance, but at the same time you easily return to your real life every morning. There exist protective mechanisms in the human body that do not allow you to move deeply into other realities and stay there forever. Our consciousness, like a ball on an elastic band (Yoyo ball), always returns to its original state. Nevertheless, the authors of this book do not advise people with mental disabilities or those who are in a prolonged depression to study this course.

Question: If I see my past deaths, I will experience incredible suffering.

Answer: This is a very persistent block in consciousness, but it easily dissipates in practice. We all died and were reborn many times on Earth, and some people on other planets. Our spirit remembers that we are eternal beings, and therefore the fear of death dissipates. Reviewing past lives can cause a slight sadness, as it happens at the end of a melodrama movie, but it should not seriously affect your feelings. At the end of the course, we give some techniques to weaken the effect of negative factors which may arise when recalling past lives.

If you have read all these detailed answers but still hesitate, start your amazing journey into the past with reviewing your childhood first. Having mastered the techniques of memories, you will be able at first to slip through the time tape into the past of your current life and remember its main moments and important events. Then, after making sure that nothing dangerous is happening to you, feel free to move on to recalling past lives.

 4. Shamanic Practice «The Cave»

Northern shamans enter into a trance in order to communicate with spirit helpers in the Middle World, which is the world of humans on Earth. In their practice and meditations, they pursue different objectives not related to past lives. However, this same practice can be effectively used for recalling past lives or reviewing events from your childhood.

Where to start

To begin a session, you will need solitude, meditative music, and initial skills in turning off the internal monologue. In the first session, there is no need to set grand objectives or pre-compose a list of many questions (more on that will be discussed in the next chapter). It will be enough to focus on mastering the technique and achieving results. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged. Remember, you didn’t learn to read and walk at once, it occurred only after you made significant efforts. The same principle applies here: the more you practice, the better the results will be. However, typically, most individuals at once enter into the recollection of their past lives.

So, plan viewing a certain past life. This may be the previous life before the current one, the first on Earth, or the most significant one. Give a task to your subconscious. Get ready to see pictures from another life and remember as much as possible from what you will see.


Suppose you have chosen the previous life before the current one, and are ready to plunge into a light trance. Now take a comfortable position, sitting or lying (your back should have support). If it's noisy around, put on headphones with meditative music, but do not turn it on too loudly. You may use a recording of a shamanic tambourine.

You should sit or lie in a comfortable position. Shamans use the «non–doing» during practice; that is, they put on some unusual clothes to show the spirit that they are in an altered state of consciousness. For the first session, you can also put, for example, a bandana on your head. Any unusual action helps the attention to concentrate, which generally facilitates the practice. But you can dispense with it. It's also good to use crystals that you can hold in your hand while traveling into the past.

Entering the shaman's cave

Close your eyes and listen to the music or the silence around you. Stop the inner monologue. At this moment, you should neither think about everyday things nor mentally comment on anything that is happening. Now imagine a cave in the mountain. It may be a real cave that you've seen before, or one made-up by yourself; this does not matter. The cave is a secret entrance to your subconscious. If you see only one cave, then you have managed to open one entrance so far, but it may turn out that there will be several caves in front of you, each of which leads to a past life. This implies that your subconscious mind offers you a choice.

Look around: What do you see? What does the place where your cave is located look like? Look up at the sky, and then look down. What is around? Is it day or night outside? It may be a forest, a desert, or even a city around you. Afterwards, you will always use this entry point. You should be cozy and comfortable In this place, and you also should understand that it is absolutely safe here, only you are in this space. No outsider may appear here without your consent. Shamans in their practices call for helpers, spirits of trees or animals with whom they got acquainted before, but this is not necessary to view past lives. Your higher Self, your spirit, is quite capable of independently penetrating into the secrets of previous births.

Now pay attention to the cave itself and consider it in more detail: it is narrow or wide, what its edges look like, and if there are any other caves nearby. If there are several of them, choose the one you like the most and enter this cave. If it is narrow, maybe you will have to crawl inside on your knees instead of walking; this does not matter. Move forward, examining the cave itself at the same time. Inside, it can be a narrow manhole or a very wide one equipped with stairs. Farther, there may be anything at all: an elevator, a modern room, a long corridor, even a metro station. In any case, it will be an image of space, a road along which you will enter another world.

While passing through the cave, announce mentally your goal once again: «I intend to see my last past life.» Now look for an exit from the cave leading to another world. Usually it looks like a light-color tunnel or an opening to the outside. Pass through it.

You got into the memory of your past life

Take your time, look around: you will see a certain landscape. It could be anything: a forest, a city, mountains with a lake, a street in a metropolis, a ship at sea, and so on. If you see a city or a forest in the distance, head towards it. You can walk there, or you can fly since you are a light spirit. If it's a forest, follow the path, your subconscious will tell you where to go. Once in a place, you will see the figure of a person, it will stand out among others, if there are several of them. You may not see a face right away, but some details will come into view, such as hair, clothing, or a vehicle (car, ship or horse). Try to remember as many details as possible.

If something distracts you during the session or an unnecessary stream of thoughts appears, try by an effort of will to return to the place where you have met your last incarnation.

The first acquaintance

The first thing to do is to ask the question, «What is your name and who are you?» Often, you will only hear the name without a surname or you may not even understand in which language your past incarnation is speaking. This is a normal process, and you can obtain more specific information in subsequent sessions. If you don't receive an answer, try to consider the person's face, and transforming into a weightless spirit penetrate the head of this character.

Now ask the same question while being inside your avatar. Here, the answer may not come in words but as immediate knowledge. Once you learn the name, inquire about the person's occupation, the city they live in, and the time period they exist in. The answers may not come right away, but you will be able to look at the surroundings through the eyes of your past incarnation and identify the location. For example, the appearance of the buildings can indicate that it is a city in Europe from a past century.

Reviewing significant moments of a past life

Now that you have become acquainted, you can ask to be shown the most significant moments of your life. Mental images will begin unfolding before you. Do not be frightened or exit the session. Remember firmly who you are now and no matter what your memory reveals, all of that has long passed. Significant moments may include birth, death, the passing of loved ones, encounters with beloved ones, entering an educational institution, the birth of children, emotional events at work, and so on.


For the first time, it is enough to review a few of such moments. If you feel tired or have the desire to return, leave the area and make your way back to the entrance of the cave. The return journey may take significantly less time than the appearance, and this is normal.

You will find that you are not walking along a path but flying through the air or suddenly find yourself near the entrance of the cave. Now, make your way back, enter the cave, and move towards the exit leading back to your world. When you successfully exit the cave and see the exact spot where your journey began, conclude the session, open your eyes, and turn off the music.

You may be overwhelmed by the emotions of what you have seen, or you might be shocked by the realization that it is all true and that you can easily see your past life. Grab a pen and write down in detail everything you have seen and felt. It's important to write down even the smallest details. Keep your diary nearby, so you can record everything you have seen in hot pursuit.

After the session

After the session, you may experience doubts about the experiences and pictures of your past lives. Thoughts may arise that all this is fiction, fantasy. However, believe that in a trance state, even a light one, with the internal monologue turned off, a person can hardly be subject to pleasant fantasies. There is a high probability that you may see a life that is not joyful and certainly not what you expected in your rosy fantasies.

This happens because we all come to learn and evolve on this planet. Earth is our training ground, and it is through struggles and battles that we refine the strength of our spirits, so there are no completely easy and happy lives. Perhaps you will see death in a past life, which will be solid evidence that this is not mere fantasy.

Further sessions will be very beneficial: you will be able to see defining moments of your past life that have partially shaped your current personality, its issues, and diseases. For example, you will understand why your left leg often aches inexplicably (you have seen that in a past life you fell off a horse and injured your leg, which left a psychological trauma on your soul). Or you will understand why you have conflicts with your relatives (for instance, your brother in a past life was connected to you, and you treated him too harshly).

Although we have a different body in this life, we carry a certain emotional imprint of problems and pains from our past life. Read examples of such stories in the second part of the book «Conversations with Quetzalcoatl». You can recognize certain people who appear alongside you from life to life and are your kindred spirits, members of the same spiritual family.

5. Utilizing the practice of «Shamanic Cave» to view the childhood and youth of your current life.

Before diving into the past life, you can practice on remembering childhood and make a journey to the beginning of your life. The method is the same. You halt the inner monologue, imagine a cave and ask your subconscious to show yourself at the institute, then at school; at the age of fifteen, twelve, ten, and so on, until the very moment of birth and being in the womb. Many people, using similar practices or hypnosis, remembered what their maternity hospital looked like, felt how it was to be in the womb.

Sometimes some problems of your life that appeared in childhood (especially as a result of mental trauma) can be detected and solved with the help of this practice. You can talk to your «inner child», that is, with yourself as a child, and understand how insignificant the fears and resentments of that age were. If you have such psychological problems, then go through the «cave» to your childhood; look with adult eyes and forgive those who have offended you; embrace your inner child, fill him with light and love and say: «I forgive and let you go.» After this session, you will find it significantly easier to go through life.

It is these techniques that psychologists and regression therapists use, only they bring a lot of personal nuances into these sessions and lead you according to a predetermined scheme. You are able to solve all your problems by yourself, the main thing is to see them. After having made a trip through the ribbon of time to your childhood, describe it in a diary and observe yourself: you will notice how your feelings and some reactions will change. This leads usually to the softening of pain and sorrow, reviewing relationships with your loved ones and refilling with new strength.

Summary of the «Shamanic Cave» practice (use for re-entry)

Sit comfortably, halt your internal monologue.

Imagine a cliff with a cave, look around paying attention to the details around you.

Choose a cave and enter it.

Traverse through the cave and find the exit that leads to a past life. Explore the surroundings, move towards the goal that emerges before you (a city, some place in the forest, a seaside, etc.).

Look for a person whom you will instantly recognize.

Have a conversation with this person, ask for their name, the name of the city, and their occupation.

Ask the person to show you the most significant moments in the life (birth, wedding, death, etc.).

Thank your subconscious for the work it has done and return back through the cave.

After concluding the session, immediately write down everything you remember (the appearance of the place, the person's clothing, record any dialogues with them, and especially note down any names or titles you heard). You can then search the internet to see if there is any information about this person or the time period they belong to.

6. List of questions to ask during the session

The process of remembering past lives can be very captivating and emotional. More accurately, this evokes profound feelings rather than surface-level emotions. It can bring about joy (for instance, realizing that your chosen one is a soul mate) or sadness. It can also create a sense of lightness and liberation from heavy emotions that earlier have hindered you to live and develop.

In addition, the process should also be informative, that is, answer the questions you have asked. Sometimes, at the moment of viewing a past life, you may forget what exactly you wanted to know, so we recommend that you think about a number of questions in advance. You may ask these questions to your past incarnations (you may consider the whole process as a conversation with your subconscious), or to people who were somehow connected with you in the past (here, the practice called «Pyramid of Light» will be used; see below).

To help you in the process of recalling past lives (on the base of the experience of different people recalling their lives), we have prepared in this course some questions that should be asked while reviewing your past lives. They are formulated according to their significance. You may also add your questions to the list, based on the history of your past life.

A general question that should be asked first. (This is not even a question, but an insistent appeal to the memory of your subconscious).

«I ask to show me the most significant moments of my past life.»

Prepare yourself, it may be the death of your previous body, birth, studying at school or university, meeting a loved one, and so on. Unfortunately, tragic events are often the most remembered, so the initial impression of a past life may be somewhat sorrowful. However, be open to see both pleasant and less pleasant moments. You can read examples of past life memories in the second part of the book «Conversations with Quetzalcoatl».

The second question.

A very important informational question to ask secondly is, «What is your name, what is your surname?» Experience shows that the name is often easily remembered, even from the first or second session. However, when it comes to surnames, there may be blocks in your subconscious that prevent recall, especially if the person was well-known in history. Sometimes, the surname of the individual can be deduced from their name and the timeframe if they left a mark in history.

The third question.

Based on the second question, we proceed directly to the third: «Time and place.» We ask to be shown the city or location where the person lived. Often, the name of the place naturally emerges or can be deduced from the clothing of the people you see. Additionally, the architectural style of the buildings can provide a rough indication of the time period, century, and birth years.

Next question: we ask to be shown the house where the avatar lived.

You can thoroughly explore the house, examine the rooms, furniture, belongings, and also observe the surrounding area or street.

During one session, it is worthwhile to ask a question about your relatives in a past life. For example: «Who were my parents, spouse, children, brothers and sisters.» It may turn out that you will recognize some of them in your current life. For example, your son in your past life may now be your nephew.

This means that you are looking for your real family, consisting of kindred spirits who have been incarnating together for a long time. Such kindred souls support you, help you to solve the tasks assigned for this incarnation. All this in general helps you to understand the role of those people who are now in your proximity, to stop being offended by them, not demanding what they are not capable of to do, to pay more attention to them. You should also forgive those who act unfairly towards you. It is likely that you yourself, even before you were born, asked these people to treat yourself in a certain way in order to solve the problems of your life. All these examples will be discussed in more detail in the second part of the book: «Conversations with Quetzalcoatl».

There is another question that should be asked.

The matter is about your professional skills in a past life, about experience received in a certain sphere. The question sounds like this: «What was my profession?»

By observing different people, you may notice that some people are born already having certain skills. Someone easily masters music or painting, someone immediately directs their interest to science, and some have a distinct inclination, for example, to driving a car or controlling aircraft (ship, motorcycle, etc.). There is a clear feeling that a person is already familiar with a certain activity and knows a lot in this area. You may find the answer in your past incarnations.

Perhaps you have already been a doctor, a warrior, an artist, a poet, a banker, a teacher, a dressmaker, a cook, a skilled rider, a hunter or an inventor. In this life, you continue to hone your skills and abilities.

Hybrid souls

Going a bit ahead, during the session of remembrance, you can ask your subconscious to show you your first life on planet Earth. Additionally, you can ask a very important question: «Did I have any incarnations before life on planet Earth?»

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