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[The names of Robert Browning, the subject of this volume, and of Elizabeth Barrett Browning are not included in the Index.]

Abt Vogler, 135, 235, 236

Adams, Sarah Flower, 9

Aeschylus (see Agamemnon), 274

Agamemnon, 279, 293, 294

Alford, Lady M., 217

Ancona, 120

Andersen, Hans, 223, 224n

Andrea del Sarto, 191

Any Wife to any Husband, 182

Apparent Failure, 238

Aristophanes' Apology, 277, 279, 288-293

Arnold, Matthew, 125, 128, 130, 145

Arnould, Joseph, 9

Arran, Isle of, 278

Artemis Prologuizes, 74

Asceticism, 132, 134

Ashburton, Lady, 272

Asolando, 375-379

Asolo, 47, 334, 335, 381-385

At the Mermaid, 317

Audierne, 250

Aurora Leigh, 124, 155, 203, 205, 211


Bach, 329

Bacon, Francis, 296

Bad Dreams, 377

Balaustion's Adventure, 279, 280-288, 346

Balzac, H. de, 113, 125

Barrett, Arabella, 90, 93, 96, 139, 170, 172, 174, 204, 210, 225, 227, 228, 250

Barrett, Edward M., 89, 90, 99, 106, 119, 139, 204, 206

Barrett, Henrietta (Mrs Surtees Cook), 93, 99, 119, 139, 172, 204, 220

Bayley, Miss, 98

Bean Feast, 378

Beatrice Signorini, 378

Bells and Pomegranates, 49

Benckhausen, Mr, 21

Bernard de Mandeville, 371

Biarritz, 230

Bifurcation, 318

Bird, Dr, 386

Bishop Blougram, 177, 199-202

Bishop orders his Tomb, 79, 80

Blagden, Isa, 206, 207, 208, 220, 225, 226, 229, 231, 276, 297

Blanc, Mme., 272, 273

Blot in the 'Scutcheon, 49, 50, 51, 52, 64, 68

Bottinius, 259

Bowring, Sir J., 221

Boyd, H.S., 101

Boyle, Miss, 117

Bradley, Dean, 387

Bridell-Fox, Mrs, 43-47

Bronson, Mrs A., 66, 334, 335, 336, 339, 341, 342, 343, 380, 381, 382, 383, 385

Browning, Robert (grandfather), 1

Browning, Robert (father), 1-4, 12, 141, 209, 249

Browning, Robert, W.B. (son), 117, 118, 138, 140, 153, 159, 204, 205, 206, 207, 221, 225, 227, 344, 387n

Browning, Sarah Anna (mother), 2, 5, 6, 118

Browning, Sarah Anna, or Sarianna (sister), 2, 50, 81, 106, 174, 209, 249, 336, 343

Buchanan, Robert, 243n, 329n

Burne-Jones, E., 217

By the Fireside, 167, 183, 187


Caliban upon Setebos, 243, 244, 360

Cambo, 230

Cambridge, 380

Caponsacchi, 257, 264-266

Carlyle, Mrs, 152

Carlyle, Thomas, 5, 42, 83, 103, 140, 141, 254

Casa Guidi, 115

Cavalier Tunes, 75

Cavour, 204, 212, 224

Cenciaja, 319

Chapman & Hall, 114

Chappell, Arthur, 276

Charles Avison, 371

Childe Roland, 180

Christmas Eve and Easter Day, 114, 123-137

Christopher Smart, 371, 373

"Clarissa," 255, 260

Clayton, Rev. Mr, 6

Cleon, 195

Clive, 355

Cobbe, Miss F.P., 165n

Colombe's Birthday, 49, 52, 58, 67, 155

Conway, Dr M., 2, 42, 326

Cook, Captain Surtees, 93, 94

Cook, Mrs Surtees, see Barrett, Henrietta

Cornhill Magazine, 228, 275

Count Gismond, 77

Coup d'état, 141, 142

Cristine, 77

Croisic, 249, 250

Crosse, Mrs Andrew, 191n

Curtis, Mr and Mrs, 386


Daniel Bartoli, 232, 370

Dante, 34, 40, 83, 114

Davidson, Captain, 46

Death in the Desert, 233, 239, 240

De Gustibus, 180

Development, 377

De Vere Gardens, 342, 379, 387

Dickens, Charles, 42, 50

Dîs Aliter Visum, 234, 245

Doctor——, 350

Domett, Alfred, 9

Dominus Hyacinthus, 259

Donald, 334

Dramatic Idyls (First and Second Series), 348

Dramatic Lyrics, 49, 72

Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 49, 72

Dramatis Personae, 175, 233-247

Dubiety, 377

Dufferin, Lord, 275

Duffy, C. Gavan, 199n


Easter Day, see Christmas Eve and Easter Day

Echetlos, 351, 352

Eckley, Mr, 210, 211

Egerton-Smith, Miss, 276, 277, 321, 327

Elgin, Lady, 209

Eliot, George, 217

Englishman in Italy, 72, 73

Epilogue (to "Asolando"), 375, 376

Epilogue (to "Dramatis Personae"), 241

Epilogue (to "Pacchiarotto" volume), 315

Epilogue (to "Two Poets of Croisic"), 359

Epistle to Karshish, 197, 198

Etretat, 209

Evelyn Hope, 183


Face, A, 235

Fano, 119

Faraday, M., 158

Faucit, Helen, 45, 52, 155

Fears and Scruples, 318

Ferishtah's Fancies, 361-369

Fifine at the Fair, 176, 279, 301-306

Filippo Baldinucci, 319

Fisher, W., 168

Fitzgerald, Edward, 381

Flaubert, G., 121, 122, 125

Flight of the Duchess, 77, 78

Flower, Eliza, 9, 19

Flower, Sarah, 9

Flush, 92, 96, 101, 105, 153

Forgiveness, 319

Forster, John, 42, 44, 139, 229

Founder of the Feast, 276

Fox, Caroline, 36

Fox, W.J., 19, 44

Fra Lippo Lippi, 174, 192, 370

Francis Farini, 371, 373

Fuller, Margaret (see Ossoli, Countess d')

Furnivall, F.J., 1n, 275, 303, 333, 337n, 338, 339, 340, 345, 347, 384


Gagarin, Prince, 21

Garden Fancy, 73

Gerard de Lairesse, 371

Gibson, J., 169, 217

Gladstone, W.E., 295

Glove, 77, 78

Gold Hair, 230, 231, 234, 235, 275

Goldoni, 335, 343

Gosse, E., 12, 20n, 21n, 107, 231, 331, 332, 347n, 380

Grammarian's Funeral, 179, 193

Greek Christian Poets, 228

Gresonowsky, Dr, 216

Gressoney, 338

Grove, Mr, 328, 329

Guardian Angel, 119

Guido Franceschini, 260-262


Halbert and Hob, 352

Hatcham, 43

Havre, 210, 272

Hawthorne, N., 208

"Helen's Tower," 275

Herakles, 286-288

Heretic's Tragedy, 194

Hervé Riel, 250, 275, 287

Hickey, Miss E.H., 347

Hillard, G.S., 116

Hippolytus and Aricia, 74

Holy Cross Day, 195, 319

Home, D.D., 158, 159, 160, 161, 165, 219

Hosmer, Harriet, 169

House, 317

How it strikes a Contemporary, 188

How they brought the Good News, 46

Hugo, Victor, 111, 150

Hunt, Leigh, 33


Imperante Augusta natus est, 378, 379

In a Balcony, 53, 65, 66, 167

In a Gondola, 77

Inapprehensiveness, 377, 378

In a Year, 182

Inn Album, 268, 270, 279, 310-315

Ion, 45

Italian in England, 76

Ivàn Ivànovitch, 287, 334, 353

Ixion, 359, 360, 384


James, Henry, 215n, 216n, 219n,

220, 223n, 224n, 225n, 272n,

332, 333, 345, 381

James Lee's Wife,

230, 246, 247

Jameson, Anna, 93, 96, 99, 104, 105, 108

Jochanan Hakkadosh, 359, 360

Jocoseria, 358-361

Johannes Agricola, 76

Jones, Thomas, 228

Jowett, Benjamin, 251, 252


Kean, Charles, 52

Kemble, Fanny, 139, 169, 310n

Kenyon, F.G., 219

Kenyon, John, 50, 81, 96, 98, 152, 204, 205

Kingsley, Charles, 153

King Victor and King Charles, 48, 49, 59, 64, 69

Kirkup, Seymour, 116, 160


"La Dame aux Camélias," 121, 150

Lamartine, 150

La Mura, 382

Landor, W.S., 45, 152, 213-215

La Saisiaz, 278, 279, 321-326

Last Poems, 228

Last Ride, 185

Lehmann, R., 165n, 253, 326, 380

Leighton, F., 172

Lever, Charles, 117

Lido, 340, 341

Life in a Love, 183

Likeness, 245

Llangollen, Vale of, 337

Lockhart, J.G., 169

Long, Professor, 9

Lost Leader, 74

Lounsbury, Professor, 51

Love among the Ruins, 187

Love in a Life, 183

Lover s Quarrel, 186

Lucca, Baths of, 120, 166, 167

Luria, 49, 60

Lytton, Robert, 156, 167, 207


Maclise, Daniel, 77

Macready, W.C., 42, 44, 45, 51, 52

"Madame Bovary," 121, 122

Magical Nature, 318

Mansoor the Hierophant, 48

Marston, Westland, 36

Martin, Lady (see also Faucit, Helen), 337

Martin, Sir T., 337

Martin Relph, 354

Master Hugues, 188, 235

"Maud" (Tennyson's), 172, 173, 234

May and Death, 9, 245

Mazzini, 151, 152, 212

Mellerio, A., 307

Memorabilia, 177

Men and Women, 155, 167, 175-202

Merrifield, Mr and Mrs, 158, 159

Mers, 277

Mignet, 204

Milsand, Joseph, 34, 148, 149, 203, 273, 274, 330

Mill, J.S., 20

Milnes, Monckton, 153, 204

Milton, 135

Mitford, Miss, 93, 170, 171

Monclar, A. de Ripert, 22

Monodrama, 71

Montecuccoli, Marchese, 344

Moore, Mrs Bloomfield, 336, 387n

Moxon, E., 49

Mr Sludge the Medium, 161-166

Muléykeh, 356

Musset, A. de, 150

My Last Duchess, 79


Names, 348

Napoleon, Louis, 113, 138, 154, 211, 212, 213, 296, 297

Narses, 45

Natural Magic, 318

Ned Bratts, 334, 349, 354

Nightingale, Florence, 152

"Nobly, nobly Cape St Vincent," 46

Numpholeptos, 319


Ogle, Miss, 253

Old Pictures in Florence, 177, 190, 193

One Way of Love, 184

Only a Player-Girl, 21

Orr, Mrs, 6, 7, 21, 42, 152n, 180n, 226, 253, 268, 276, 277, 294, 301, 327, 334, 337, 343, 344, 379n, 380, 382, 384, 387

Ossian, Macpherson's, 7

Ossoli, Countess d', 116, 117


Pacchiarotto, 268, 279, 315-317

Page, Mr, 168

Paget, Sir James, 329

Palazzo Giustiniani Recanati, 339

Palazzo Manzoni, 344, 345

Palazzo Rezzonico, 345

Palgrave, F.T., 230n

Paracelsus, 22-33

Paris, 104, 138

Parker, Theodore, 217

Parleyings with Certain People, 370-375

Patmore, Emily, 235

Patriot, 180

Pauline, 13-20

Pheidippides, 351

Phelps, 5, 57, 52

Pictor Ignotus, 79

Pied Piper, 74

Pietro of Abano, 350

Pio Nono, 112, 155

Pippa Passes, 48, 49, 60, 69, 70

Pippa's Tower, 385

Pisgah Sights, 357

Pisa, 105-108

Plutarch, 280

Poems before Congress, 218

Pompilia, 257, 262, 263

Pope (in "Ring and Book"), 241-242, 257, 258, 266-267

Pope and the Net, 378

Popularity, 188

Pornic, 230, 248

Porphyria's Lover, 76

Portraits, 168

Powers, H., 116

Pretty Woman, 181

Primiero, 339, 379

Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, 279, 295-301, 346

Prinsep, V., 217

Procter ("Barry Cornwall"), 50, 227, 229

Prologue (to "La Saisiaz"), 359

Prospice, 237, 275

Protus, 189

Prout, Father, 117, 146, 209

"Puseyism," 121


Rabbi ben Ezra, 135, 236, 237

Ready, Rev. T., 7

Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, 274, 279, 306-310

Rephan, 376, 377

Respectability, 183, 245

Return of the Druses, 48, 49, 69

Reverie, 376

Rhyming, 316

Ring and the Book, 230, 248-268

Ristori, 203, 204

Ritchie, Mrs A. Thackeray, 152n, 227, 273, 274

Rome, 167, 168, 210

Rossetti, D.G., 4, 20, 50, 153, 164, 168, 173, 174, 175, 190, 205, 306n

Rossetti, W.M., 36, 153, 173, 254, 331, 383

Rudel, 77

Ruskin, John, 153, 172


Saint-Aubin, 272, 274

Saint-Enogat, 226

St Martin's Summer, 318

St Moritz, 336, 338

St Pierre de Chartreuse, 338

Sainte-Marie, 230, 248

Saint-Victor, Paul de, 281, 284n

Salève, 278

Salvini, 212

Sand, George, 113, 150-152, 204

Sartoris, Adelaide, 169

Saul, 74, 197

Selections (from Browning), 346, 347

Serenade at the Villa, 185, 187

Shah, the, 380

Shakespeare, 348

Sharp, William, 20n, 22, 43, 44

Shelley, P.B., 8, 10, 11, 120, 144-148

Shop, 317

Siena, 121, 220, 249

Silverthorne, James, 9

Smith, Mr, 275

Society, The Browning, 347

Soliloquy in a Spanish Cloister, 75

Solomon and Balkis, 359

Sonnets from the Portuguese, 107,108

Sordello, 33-41, 48, 203

Soul's Tragedy, 50, 69

Speculative, 377

Spiritualism, 157-166

Stanhope, Lord, 153

Statue and the Bust, 185, 186

Stead, Mr F.H., 6n

Stephen, Sir L., 316

Sterling, John, 36

Stillmann, W.J., 3, 330

Story, W.W., 167, 168, 214n, 215, 216n, 219n, 221, 224n, 225, 295, 297, 386

Stowe, Harriet B., 206

Strafford, 45, 46, 61, 65, 67

Swanwick, Anna, 212n, 333

Swedenborg, 157


Talfourd, 45, 50

Taylor, Bayard, 139, 140

Tennyson, Alfred, 138, 153, 173, 174, 226, 316

Tennyson, Frederick, 156

Tennyson, Hallam, 153, 154

Thackeray, Miss, see Ritchie, Mrs

Thackeray, W.M., 169

The Worst of It, 246

Toccata of Galuppi's, 188, 286

Too Late, 246

Transcendentalism, 176, 187, 193n

Trelawny, E.J., 52

Trollope, Mrs, 111

Trollope, T.A., 329

Twins, 170

Two in the Campagna, 184, 187

Two Poems by E.B.B. and R. B., 170

Two Poets of Croisic, 279, 280, 321, 326


Up at a Villa, 179


Vallombrosa, 108, 109

Venice, 47, 137, 334, 335,

339, 386-388

Villers, 278


Waring, 73

Warwick Crescent, 227, 342

White, Rev. E., 6

White Witchcraft, 377

Whitman, Walt, 287, 300, 329n

Why am I a Liberal? 110

Wiedemann, William, 4

Wilson (Mrs Browning's maid), 101, 109, 139, 172, 214, 219

Wise, T.J., 16n, 276n

Wiseman, Cardinal, 146, 199

Woman's Last Word, 186, 187

Wordsworth, W., 18, 42, 45


Yates, Edmund, 347

"York" (a horse), 43

York Street Chapels, 5

Youth and Art, 245

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