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The first contenys quhou the prynce Ene
And Troianys war dryve onto Cartage cite.
The secund buke schawis the finale ennoy,
The gret myscheif, and subuersioun of Troy.
The thryd tellith quhou fra Troys cite
The Troianys careit war throu owt the see.
The ferd rehersis of fair queyn Dido
The dowbill woundis, and the mortale wo.
The fyft contenys funerale gemmys glaid,
And how the fyre the navy dyd invaid.
Into the saxt buke syne doith Virgill tell,
Quhou that Eneas went and visseit hell.
The sevynt Ene bryngis to hys grond fatale,
And how Italianys Troianys schup to assale.
Ontill Eneas gevis the auchten buke
Baith falloschip and armour, quha list luke.
Dawnus son Turnus in the nynte, tak tent,
Segis new Troy, Eneas tho absent.
The tent declaris by the cost atanys
The batale betwix Tuscanys and Rutulanys.
In the ellevynt Rutulyanys beyn ourset,
By the deces of Camylla downebet.
The twelft makis end of all the weir, but dowt,
Throu the slauchtir of Turnus stern and stowt.
The last, ekit to Virgillis nowmyr evyn
By Mapheus, convoys Ene to hevyn.



The Poet first proponyng hys entent
Declaris Junois wreth and mailtalent.

The batalis and the man I wil discrive,
Fra Troys boundis first that fugitive
By fait to Ytail come and cost Lavyne;
Our land and sey kachit with mekil pyne,
By fors of goddis abufe, from euery steid,
Of cruell Juno throu ald remembrit fede.
Gret pane in batail sufferit he alsso,
Or he his goddis brocht in Latio,
And belt the cite, fra quham, of nobill fame,
The Latyne pepill takyn heth thar name,
And eik the faderis, princis of Alba,
Cam, and the wallaris of gret Rome alswa.
O thou my muse, declare the causis quhy,
Quhat maiestie offendit, schaw quham by,
Or ȝit quharfor of Goddis the drery Queyn
Sa feil dangeris, sik travell maid susteyn
A worthy man, fulfillit of piete:
Is thare sik greif in hevynly myndis on hie?
Thare was ane ancyant cite, hecht Cartage,
Quham hynys of Tyre held intill heritage,
Ennymy to Itail, standand fair and plane
The mouth of lang Tibir our forgane,
Myghty of moblys, full of sculys seyr,
And maist expert in crafty fait of weir:
Of quhilk a land Juno, as it is said,
As to hir special abuf al otheris maid;
Hir native land for it postponyt sche
Callit Samo; in Cartage sett hir see;
Thar war hir armys, and here stude eik hir chair.
This Goddes ettillit, gif werdis war nocht contrar,
This realme to be superior and mastres
To all landis; bot certis, netheles,
The fatale sisteris reuolue and schaw, scho kend,
Of Troiane blude a pepill suld discend,
Wailliant in weir, to ryng wydquhar, and syne
Cartage suld bryng ontill finale rewyne,
And clene distroy the realme of Lybia.
This dredand Juno, and forthirmor alswa
Remembring on the ancyant mortell weir
That for the Grekis, to hir leif and deir,
At Troy lang tyme scho led befor that day;
For ȝit the causys of wreth war nocht away,
Nor cruell harm forȝet ne out of mynd;
Ful deip engravyn in hir breist onkynd
The jugement of Parys, quhou that he
Preferrit Venus, dispisyng hir bewte;
Als, Troiane blude till hir was odyus,
For Jupiter engendrit Dardanus,
Fra quham the Troianys cam in adultry,
And Ganymedes revist abuf the sky,
Maid him his butler, quhilk was hir douchteris office.
Juno inflambit, musyng on thir casis nyce,
The quhile our sey that salit the Troianys,
Quhilkis had the ded eschapit, and remanys
Onslane of Grekis or of the fers Achill,
Scho thame fordryvis, and causys oft ga will
Frawart Latium, quhilk now is Italy,
By fremmyt werd ful mony ȝeris tharby,
Cachit and blaw wydquhar all seys about.
Lo quhou gret cure, quhat travell, pane, and dowt,
Was to begyn the worthy Romanys blude!
And as the Troianys frakkis our the flude,
Skars from the sycht of Sysilly the land,
With bent sail full, rycht merely saland,
Thar stevynnys scowrand fast throu the salt fame,
Quhen that Juno, till hir euerlestand schame,
The etern wound hyd in hir breist ay greyn,
Ontill hir self thus spak in propir teyn;
Is this ganand, that I my purpos faill
As clene ourcum, and may nocht from Itaill
Withhald thys kyng of Troy and his navy?
Am I abandonyt with sa hard destany,
Sen Pallas mocht on Grekis tak sik wraik,
To byrn thar schippis, and all, for anys saik,
Drowne in the sey, for Aiax Oilus wrang?
From Jupiter the wild fyre down sche slang
Furth of the clowdis, distroyt thar schippis all,
Ourquhelmyte the sey with mony wyndy wall;
Aiax breist persit, gaspand furth flawmand smoke,
Sche with a thud stikkit on a scharp roke.
Bot I, the quhilk am clepit of godis queyn,
And onto Jove baith spous and sistir scheyn,
With a pepill sa feill ȝheris weir sall lede;
Quha sal from thens adorn in ony stede
The power of Juno, or altaris sacryfy,
Gif I ourcummyn be thus schamefully?


Quhou Dame Juno tyll Eolus’ cuntre went,
And of the storm on the Troianys furth sent.

And on this wys, wyth hart byrnyng as fyre,
Musyng alone, full of malyce and ire,
Tyll Eolus’ cuntre, that wyndy regioune,
A brudy land of furyus stormy sowne,
This Goddes went, quhar Eolus the kyng,
In gowsty cavys, the wyndis lowde quhissilling,
And braithly tempestis by hys power refrenys,
In bandis hard schet in presoun constrenys;
And thai, heirat havand full gret disdeyn,
Quhill all the hill resoundis, quhryne and plene
About thar closouris brayng with mony a rare.
Kyng Eolus set hie apon his chare,
With ceptour in hand, thar muyd to meys and still,
Temperis thar ire, les thai suld at thar will
Beir with thar byr the skyis, and drive about
Erd, ayr and sey, quhen euer thame lest blaw out.
Thus the hie fader almychty in cavis dyrk
Thir wyndis hyd, for dreid sik wrangis thai wyrk,
And thar abuf set weghty hillys huge,
Gave thame a kyng, quhilk, as thar lord and juge,
At certane tyme thame stanching and withhald,
And, at command also, mycht quhen he wald
Lat thame go fre at large to blaw out braid.
To quham as than lawly thus Juno said;
Eolus, a pepill onto me ennemy,
Salis the sey Tuscane, cariand to Italy
Thar venquyst hamehald goddis and Ilion;
Bot, sen the fader of goddis euery one
And kyng of men gave the power, quod sche,
To meys the flude, or rays with stormys hie,
Infors thi wyndis, synk all thar schippis infeir,
Or skattir widquhar into cuntreis seir,
Warp all thar bodeis in the deip bedeyn.
I haue, quod sche, lusty ladeis fourteyn,
Of quhame the farest, clepit Diope,
In ferm wedlok I sal coniune to the
For thi reward, that lilly quhite of swar,
With the for to remane for euermar;
Quhilk propir spous and eik thi lady myld
Sal mak the fader to mony fair child.
Eolus answeris, O thou my lady queyn,
Quhat thou desiris to the it doith perteyn
Forto devys, and me behuffis thi command
Obey; for thou the ceptour gevis me in hand
Of all this realme, quhat so it be, and oft
Jupiter with me consideris, and ful soft
Causis me feist amang the goddis at rest,
And makis me master of wyndis and tempest.
Be this was said, a grondyn dart leit he glide,
And persit the bos hill at the braid syde;
Furth at the ilke port wyndis brade in a rout,
And with a quhirl blew all the erth about.
Thai ombeset the seys bustuusly,
Quhil fra the deip, til euery cost fast by,
The huge wallis weltris apon hie,
Rollit at anys with storm of wyndis thre,
Eurus, Nothus, and the wynd Affricus,
Quhilkis est, south, and west wyndis hait with ws.
Sone efter this, of men the clamour rays,
The takillis graslis, cabillis can fret and frays.
Swith the clowdis, hevyn, son, and days lycht
Hyd, and byreft furth of the Troianys sycht;
Dyrknes as nycht beset the seys about;
The firmament gan rummylling rair and rout,
The skyis oft lychtnyt with fyry levin,
And schortly bath ayr, sey, and hevin,
And euery thing mannasit the men to de,
Schawand the ded present tofor thar E.


Quhou that Ene was with the tempest schaik,
And quhou Neptune his navy salvyt fra wraik.

Belive Eneas membris schuk for cald,
And murnand baith his handis vp did hald
Towart the sternys, with petuus voce thus gan say;
O sevin tymys quhou happy and blissit war thai,
Vnder hie wallis of Troy, by dynt of swerd,
Deit in thar faderis syght, bytand the erd!
O thou of Grekis maist forcy Diomed,
Quhy mycht I not on feldis of Troy haue deit,
And by thi rycht hand ȝaldin furth my sprete?
Quhar that the valiant Hectour losit the swete
On Achillis speir, and grisly Sarpedon,
And ondyr the flude Symois mony one
With schelde and helm stalwart bodeis lyis warpit.
And al invane thus quhil Eneas carpit,
A blastrand bub, out from the north brayng,
Gan our the forschip in the bak saill dyng,
And to the sternys vp the flude gan cast;
The aris hechis, and the takillis brast;
The schippis stevin frawart hyr went gan wryth,
And turnyt hir braid syde to the wallis swyth.
Heich as a hill the jaw of watir brak,
And in ane hepe cam on thame with a swak.
Sum hesit hoverand on the wallis hycht,
And sum the swowchand sey so law gart lycht,
Thame semyt the erd oppynnyt amyd the flude;
The stour vp bullyrrit sand as it war wode.
The sowth wynd Nothus thre schippis draif away
Amang blynd cragis, quhilk huge rolkis, thai say,
Amyd the sey, Italianys altaris callis;
And othir thre Eurus from the deip wallis
Cachit amang the schald bankis of sand:
Dolorus to se thame chop on grond, and stand
Lyke as a wall with sand warpit about!
Ane othir, in quham salit the Lycianys stowt,
Quhilum fallowis to kyng Pandor in weir,
And Orontes Eneas’ fallow deir,
Befor his eyn [hastelye] from the north wynd
Ane hydduus sey schippit at hir stern behynd,
Smate furth the skippar clepit Lewcaspis,
His hed doune warpit; and the schip with this
Thrys thar the flude quhirlit about round,
The sowkand swelth sank vnder sey and drond.
On the huge deip quhoyn salaris dyd appeir;
The Troianys’ armour, tabillis, and othir geir
Flet on the wallis: and the strang barge tho
Bair Ilioneus, and scho that bair also
Forcy Achates, and scho that bair Abas,
And scho quharin ancyant Alethes was,
The storm ourset, raif rovis and syde semys;
They all lekkit, the salt watir stremys
Fast bullerand in at euery ryft and boyr.
In the meyn quhile, with mony rowt and royr
The sey thus trublit, and this tempest furth sent
Felt Neptune, and his watir movit and schent,
The deip furthȝet in schaldis heir and thair;
Gretly commovit, out of the sey gan stair,
His plesand hede rasit on the hyast wall,
Lukand about, behaldis, the sey our all,
Eneas navy skatterit fer ysundir;
With fludis ourset the Troianys, and at vnder
By flaggis and rayn dyd from the hevyn discend:
Junois dissate and ire full weill he kend.
He callis till hym Eurus and Zephirus,
Tha est and west wyndis, and said thame thus;
Ar ȝe sa gretly assurit in ȝour hie kyn,
Ȝe wyndis, quod he, but my leif durst begyn
Baith erd and ayr to move on this maneir,
And eik the sey with sa stowt stormys steir?
I sal ȝou chastys: bot me behuffis first meys
The motioune of fludis, and thame appes;
Traist weill, onpunyst ȝe sal me not astart,
On sik a wys gif ȝe falt efterwart.
Withdraw ȝou hens, and to ȝour kyng say ȝe,
He has na power nor autorite
On seys, nor on the thre granyt ceptour wand
Quhilk is by cut gevin me to beir in hand;
Hald him on craggis and amang rochis hie,
Thair is ȝour dwelling place, Eurus, quod he;
Byd Eolus kepe him in that hald conding,
Do cloys the presoun of wyndis, and tharon ryng.
Thus said he, and with that word hastely
The swelland seys has swagit, and fra the sky
Gaderit the clowdis and chasit sone away,
Brocht hame the son agane and the brycht day.
Hys douchter Cymothoe, and hys son Tryton
Enforsis thame the Troianys schippis anone
To rays and lift of the scharp rolkis blynd:
The god hym self gan hesyng thame behynd
With his byg ceptour havand granys thre;
Oppynnys schald sandis and temperis weill the see,
Ourslidand lychtly the croppis of the wallis.
And as ȝe se, as oft amangis commonys fallis
Stryfe and debait in thar wod fulych ire,
Now fleys the stanys, and now the broyndis of fyre,
Thar greif and fury mynysteris wapynnys plente:
Bot than percace, gif thai behald or se
Sum man of gret autorite and efferis,
Thai ces, and al stil standand gevis him eris;
He wyth his wordis gan slaik thar mynd and swage.
On the samyn wys fell all the seys rage.


Quhou Eneas in Affrik dyd arryve,
And thar with schote slew sevin hartis belyve.

Eftyr that the fader of the fludys Neptune
Had on sik wys behaldyn the seys abone,
Vndir the stabillit hevin movit in his chare,
Slakking his renȝeis with prosper cours and fair,
Eneas and his feris, on the strand
Wery and forwrocht, sped thame to the nerrest land,
And at the cost of Lyby arryvit he.
Ane havyn place with a lang hals or entre
Thar is, with ane ile enveronyt on athir part,
To brek the wallis and storm of euery art;
Within, the watir in a bosum gays.
Baith heir and thair stant large craggis and brais.
To se the hewis on athir hand is wondir,
For hycht that semys pyngill with hevin; and vndir.
In a braid sound sovir from all wyndis blawis,
Flowis the schore deip, euer stabil but ony wawis.
A wod abufe ourheldis with his rank bewis,
And castis a plesand schaddow our the clewis.
Rycht our forgane the forret of a bra,
Vnder the hyngand rolkis, was alswa
Ane coif, and tharin fresch watir springand,
And satis of stane neuer hewyn with manis hand
Bot wrocht by natur, as it ane hows had beyn
For nymphis, goddessis of fludis and woddis greyn.
Perbrakit schippis but cabillis thar mycht ryde,
Nane ankyr nedis mak thame arest nor byde.
Of all his navy thidder Eneas brocht
Bot sevin schippis. With gret desyre and thocht
Tobe on grund Troianys sped thame to land,
As thai desyrit set softly on the sand;
Thare lethis and lymmys in salt watir bedyit,
Strekit on the cost, spred furth, bekit and dryit.
Bot first Achates slew fyre of the flynt
Keppit in dry leiffis, as tunder, quhil thai brynt;
Syne stikkis dry to kyndil thar about laid is,
Quhil al in flambe the bles of fyre vp bradis.
Than was the quhete with fludis chaffit and wet,
And instrumentis to purge it, swith out set.
For skant of vittal, the cornys in quernys of stane
Thai grand, and syne buke at the fyre ilkane.
In the meyn quhile, Eneas the bank on hie
Has clummyn, widequhar behaldand the large see,
Gif ony schip tharon mycht be persavit
Quhilk lait tofor the wyndis had bewavit,
Or ony Troiane galay, bark or barge,
Antheus, Capis, or Caicus stremeris large
Wavand or schawand from thar top on hycht.
Na schip he saw; bot sone he gat a syght
Of thre hartis waverand by the cost syde,
Quham at the bak, throu out the gravis wide,
The mekil herdis followit in a rowt,
And pasturit all the large valle about.
Tharat he styntis, and hynt his bow in hand;
Swift fleand arowis fast by him had berand
The traist Achates: and first the ledaris thre,
Quhilk on thar hedis bair the tyndis hie,
Smertly he slew, syne all the rangald persewis
With grundyn arowis amang the thik wod bewis;
And styntis not with dartis thame to bete
Quhil he to grond had brocht sevin hartis grete,
And with his schippis thar nowmyr equale maid.
Syne to the havin sped him for out abaid,
And thame distribut amangis his feris all.
The wyne tharwith, in veschell gret and small,
Quhilk til him gave Acestes, his ryall host,
At his departing from Sycilly the cost,
To thame he byrlis and skynkis fast but weir,
And with sik wordis comfortis thar drery cheir:
O ȝe my feris, and deir frendis, quod he,
Of by went perrellis not ignorant bene we;
Ȝe haue sustenyt grettar dangeris onkend,
Lyke as heirof God sal mak sone ane end.
The rage of Silla, that huge swelth in the see,
Ȝe haue eschapit, and passit eik haue ȝhe
The euer rowtand Charibdis rolkis fell,
The craggis quhar monstruus Ciclopes dwell
Ȝhe ar expert: pluk vp ȝour hartis, I ȝou pray,
This dolorus dreid expell and do away;
Sum tyme heiron to think may help perchance.
By diuers cacis, seir perrellis and sufferance,
Onto Itale we ettill, quhar destany
Has schape for ws, in rest and quiet, herbry.
Predestinat is thar Troy sal rys agane;
Beis stowt, on prosper forton to remane.
Syk plesand wordis, carpand, he has furth brocht,
Set his mynd trublit mony grewous thocht,
With fenȝeit comfort by his cheyr outwart
The dolorus payn hyd deip gravyn in hart.
Hys feris has this praye ressauyt raith,
And to thar met addressis, it to graith;
Hynt of the hydis, maid the bowkis bair,
Rent furth the entralis, sum in tailȝeis schare,
Syne brochit flykerand, sum gobbettis of lyre
Kest in caldronys, and othir sum bet the fyre,
Thame to refresch: thus all, the cost on lenth,
Sped thame with fude to recover thar strenth;
On the greyn gers sat doune, and fillit thaim syne
Of fat venyson and nobill auld wyne.
Quhen hungir thus with metis was chasit away,
And dischis drawin, than, with lang sermond, thai
Bewalit thar feris lossit on the flude:
Betwix gude hope and dreid in dowt thai stude,
Quhidder thai war levand, or tholit extreme ded all;
Thai answer nocht set thai oft pleyn and call.
Bot principally, the pietefull Eneas
Regratis oft the hard fortoune and cace
Of stern Orontes new drownyt in the sey,
And now Amycus harm complenys he,
Now hym alone the cruel fate of Lycus,
Now strang Gyan, now stalwart Cloanthus.


Quhou Jove beheld the large costis on fer,
And how Venus carpis with Jupiter.

Gone was the day, and all thar lang sermoun,
Quhen Jupiter, from his heich speir, adoun
Blent on the sailrife seys and erth tharby,
With pepill dwellyng on costis fer syndry;
Heich in the hevynnys top he baid hoverand,
And of Lyby beheld graithly the land.
Within his breist on diuers curis as he thus
Musys and thynkis, ontill hym spak Venus
All dolorus, hir eyn full of brycht teris:
O thow, quod sche, quhilk governys, rewlis and steris
Baith goddis and men be thyne etern empyre,
And oft affrays with thundyr and wyldfyre,
Quhou mycht myne Ene sa gretly the offend?
Or quhat mycht Troianys trespas, quhilk now at end
Ar brocht and sufferit, sa feill corsis laid ded,
Throu owt the warld debarrit in euery sted,
And drevin from Itale? Thou hecht vmquhile, persay.
Of thame suld cum, efter this mony a day,
The worthy Romanys, and of Troianys ofspring
Princis of power our sey and land to ryng.
Quhat wikkit counsale, fader, has turnyt thi thocht?
Forsuyth, at Troys distructioune, as I mocht,
I tuke comfort heirof, thinkand but baid,
That hard wanwerd suld follow fortoun glaid.
Bot ȝit the sammyn myschance persewis thame sayr,
In syndry dangeris cachit heir and thair:
Of thair travell quhat end grantis thou, gret kyng?
Sen Anthenor mycht throu myd ostis thring
Of Grekis, and pers the soundis Ilyria,
And sovirly pas the strait regionys alswa
Of Liburnanys, and our Tymavy the flude,
Quharat nyne mouthis rynand as it war wode,
The hillis resoundis, sa rudly doith it rowt,
And like a sey bettis on the brays about;
Thar netheles, of Padva the cite,
A dwelling place for Troianys, biggit has he,
And nemmyt the pepill efter hym, and full ȝor,
The armys of Troy has set vp in memor:
Bot we thi blude, thi kynrent and ofspring,
To quham in hevin thou grantis a place to ryng,
Schame forto say, all throw the feid of ane,
Has lossit our schippis, and ar betrasit ilkane,
And fer from Itale bene withhaldin eik;
Is this reward ganand for thame ar meik?
Is this the honour done to thame bene godlyke?
Restoris thou ws on sik wys our kynryke?
Smylyng sum deil, the fader of goddis and men,
With that ilk sweit vissage, as we ken,
That mesys tempestis and makis the hevynnys cleir,
First kyssit his child, syne said on this maneir:
Away sik dreid, Cytherea, be nocht efferd,
For thi lynage onchangit remanys the werd.
As thou desyris, the cite salt thou se,
And of Lavyne the promyst wallis hie;
Eik thou salt rays abuf the sterrit sky
The manfull Eneas, and hym deify.
My sentence is nocht alterit, as thou trastis;
Bot I sal schaw the, sen sik thochtis the thrastis,
And heir declair of destaneis the secreit,
Full mony ȝheris tofor thai be compleit.
This Eneas, with hydwys bargannyng,
In Itale frawart pepill sall doune thring;
Syne efter statut lawis for tha men,
And beld townys, and wal his citeis then.
Quhen thre someris in Latium or Itail,
And thre wynteris he rungyn has all haill
Fra tyme Rutilyanys bene subdewit in fecht,
Than the ȝong child, quhilk now Ascanyvs hecht,
And to surname clepit Iulus sans faill,
For he in Ilion was of the blude ryale,
Quhill that of Troy and Ilion stude the Ryng,
Thretty lang twelfmonthis rolling our sal ryng,
From Lavyne realm the seyt translat alswa,
And forcely wall the cite lang Alba:
Thar sal thre hundreth ȝeris togidder remane
The ryng vnder the pepill Hectoriane,
Quhil Ilya nun and dochter of a kyng,
Consavit of Mars, twa twynnys do furth bring:
Than with the glitterand wolf skyn our his aray,
Cled in his nurys talbert glaid and gay,
Romulus sal the pepill ressaue and weld,
And he the mercial wallis of Rome sal beld,
And efter his name cal the pepill Romanys.
To thir folkis, quhou lang thar ryng remanys,
Nowder term of space nor boundis of senȝeory
Nane wil I set; for to thame grant haue I
Perpetual empyre, but end to lest.
Apirsmert Juno, that with gret onrest
Now cummyrris erd, sey and ayr, quod he,
Sal turn hir mynd bettir ways, and with me
Fostir the Romanys, lordis of al erdly geir,
And Latyne pepill kepe bath in payce and weir.
This is determyt, this lykis the goddis, I wys.
Eftir mony lustris and ȝeris ourslydyn is,
The tyme sal cum quhen Anchises ofspring
The realm of Phthia in bondage sal doune thring,
And eik of Myce subdew the regioune large,
And vndir thar lordschip dant al Grece and Arge.
Cesar of nobill Troiane blude born salbe,
Quhilk sal thempyre delait to the occiane see,
And to the sternys vpspring sal the fame
Of Julius, that takyn haith hys name
From Iulus, thi nevo, the gret kyng,
As prince discend of his blude and ofspring;
Quham, efter this, sovir of thyne entent,
Chargit with the spulȝe of the orient,
Amang the nowmyr of goddis ressaue thou sall,
And as a god men sal him clep and call.
The cruel tyme sone therefter sal ces,
And weris stanche, al salbe rest and pes;
Ancyant faith, and valiant knychthed,
With chaste religioune, sal than the lawys led;
The dreidful portis salbe schet, but faill,
Of Janus tempill, the takynar of bataill;
With hard irne bandis claspit fast in cage,
Of wykkit bargane tharin the furyus rage
Set apon grisly armour in his seyt,
And with ane hundreth brasyn chenȝeis grete
Behynd hys bak hard bund hys handis tway,
The horribil tyrrant with bludy mouth sal bray.
This beand said, Jupiter ful evyn
Hys son Mercury send doune from the hevyn;
So that of Cartage baith realm and new cite
To luge the Troianys suld all reddy be,
Les than Dido, the destany mysknawand,
Wald thame expell hyr boundis or hyr land.
He with gret fard of weyngis flaw throu the sky,
And to the cuntre of Liby come in hy:
Thar dyd hys charge; and the folkis of Cartage
Thar fers mudis and hartis gan asswage
At the plesour of the god, quhilk thame taucht.
And, first of othir, the quene hir self has kaucht
Towart the Troianys a ful frendly mynd,
As on to thame tilbe bowsum and kynd.
Возрастное ограничение:
Дата выхода на Литрес:
30 июня 2018
700 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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