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Fireflies on the Volga

The smell from the kitchen began to permeate the entire ship like a silent announcement that it would soon be time to eat. Maria decided to get some fresh air before making her way below. She walked up the stairs expecting an icy blast of air but to her surprise, a warm breeze lifted her senses as she took the final steps up onto the deck. She smiled as it still felt like daytime under a canopy of stars.

The cloudless sky revealed the majestic constellations as a full moon sat just above the horizon. She could still see the lights from Port Mologo in the distance, but her eyes were drawn to the river banks where fireflies danced along the water’s edge, pulsing their locations to each other in a celebration of the last warm days of autumn.

It reminded her of the stories her mother had told her when she was a little girl; fairies and magic creatures granting wishes to lost children in the woods. She imagined herself encountering such a creature, and what she would wish for. Immediately she realized she would want to go back in time and change one decision, to remain on her father’s cart and reverse all the events that followed. She could still see him on the street trying to stop all the guards as they chased her. An unarmed man standing valiantly against an army to save his daughter.

She felt unworthy of such devotion and sacrifice by both her father and mother who had done everything possible to get her to safety.

«If nothing else I have to honor their wishes.» She thought. «I have to live a life worthy of their love and sacrifice.»

For the first time, it occurred to her that her mother may not be on her way to Neva. «Surely she must have been stung dozens of times while my escape.» Maria thought. «Anyone with that kind of injury would not be able to run or hide for very long.»

Maria began to recall childhood incidents where children had gotten into the beehives and were stung as a result. Her father had always warned her that her friends should not play near the hives but of course, they didn’t listen, hoping to steal some honey and get away unstung. Most of the children recovered from their injuries in a few days, but she remembered one of her friends that almost died from a single sting, like a devil was choking him from the inside.

She tried to remember a time when her mother had been stung, and could not recall it. In fact, she remembered that her mother had always avoided going near the hives. «What if mama had such a reaction or knew how dangerous it would be for her to be stung at all?» She wondered.

She felt the back of her neck tingle with the realization that she may be searching for her mother in vain. «Maybe she never left!» Maria thought as her mind raced through all possible scenarios. «What would they do to her, if they caught her?»

At that moment, a warm breeze with the scent of wildflowers and honey blew through her hair. It smelled exactly like the breezes that came across the fields in Rostov. She felt her fears soothe for a moment, but it left her with such a yearning to be reunited with her family. The once simple life in a small farmhouse had become a faraway heaven, fading quickly in the passing wind.

«She has to be alive, I just know she is» Maria asserted as she turned her attention back to the fireflies. As far as she could see along the river ahead, fireflies lit the way as an invitation to continue on the journey. She closed her eyes for a moment and wished to find her mother, just in case the fireflies were listening.

The quartermaster and a few deckhands were moving barrels below. The new cargo was transitioned on various decks unless it would be offloaded soon. It made sense to her as it gave more room on the deck for the men to sleep.

The quartermaster noticed Maria sitting by herself and the sad look on her face. «Is everything alright, Miss?» He said calmly.

«Yes, thank you I am fine.» She said realizing her sadness was no secret.

She stood to go below and get something to eat but had to wait until the men finished with the barrels.

«Why is it necessary that everything goes below?» She asked the quartermaster «Is it to give more room for the men? Maria asked.

«That and to protect it from damage during storms» the quartermaster answered. «If cargo is damaged the captain has to pay for it, so you can understand why we are so careful.» The quartermaster explained as he watched the men working.

«Ah, makes sense,» Maria added.

«That won’t fit that way! I told you to turn it around before you go down the stairs!» The quartermaster shouted at the men. «I better get back to work, have a good evening, Miss.»

Maria nodded and returned to her seat, waiting for them to finish. It seemed a very hard life aboard the ship; everyone was on a tight schedule with very little room for rest. She wondered how people could spend years or a lifetime in such a trade.

The men finally finished, and the quartermaster returned. «You can go down now, Miss,» he said kindly.

«Thank you, I was wondering about this trade you have. It seems so difficult, how is it that men can do this for so many years?» She said curiously.

«Ah, well…» the quartermaster replied as he paused, «It’s certainly not a job for everyone I’ll give you that. But we only work when the river flows. This will be our last run of the year, once the Volga freezes we’ll be waiting for the spring thaw.»

«The whole river freezes?» Maria said in surprise.

«Da! Ice as deep as a man is tall and jagged on top like frozen rocks! All ships stay in port until spring, then it’s a new river, it changes and flows differently each year.» He said in a kind voice that reminded her of her father.

«It sounds a lot like farming,» Maria said, «Everything is seasonal… So what do you do when the river is frozen?» She asked curiously.

«I spend time with my wife and children in Neva» he replied. «I hardly see them from spring through fall.»

«That’s important,» Maria said in a supportive tone.

«Da, we used to live in Yaroslavl but after the Tatars had come it was no longer safe. Neva is outside of their control, but they allow us on the river to keep supply lines moving.»

Maria nodded, understanding all too well the situation he was describing.

«Best you get below Miss, the food will be gone if you wait too long.» He said cheerfully.

Maria smiled and walked toward the stairs turning to wave to the quartermaster, «It was nice talking to you, and have a good night… Oh, and my name is Maria!» She said extending her hand.

«The pleasure was mine, Miss, enjoy your dinner.» He replied.

Maria continued making her way down the stairs, thinking it odd the man had not given her his name, she walked towards the smell and sounds of the kitchen. She could hear the chatter of the ship’s crew and merchants all talking on top of each other in the noisy room. There was no place to sit, and everyone pushed and shoved to get closer to the food.

Maria felt intimidated to be surrounded by so many men; it reminded her of the Tater court in Rostov. The men had the same kinds of looks on their faces as she pushed by them, some annoyed, some curious and many looking at her with hungry eyes. She felt her appetite fade and turned to leave the room.

«Skatina takoe! Let the young lady through, ya bunch of cows!» Barked the captain.

It was the first time she had seen him face to face. He was shorter than she imagined, with wide shoulders and a stocky build. His face was rough and tan from a life on the river, he had deep wrinkles around his eyes and a white beard that needed trimming.

«Forgive us, lass were not accustomed to delicate young ladies on the ship.» Said the captain in a boisterous voice.

«Shto?!» Came a woman’s voice from the kitchen. It was clearly Sveta listening in and protesting in her playful manner.

The men burst into laughter and moved aside to let Maria through. She smiled, appreciating the accommodation and moved toward the large bowl of soup Sveta had prepared. She leaned over the bowl, admiring the dark red color of the soup, it was borsch, and it smelled delicious.

Sveta appeared from the kitchen and quickly prepared a small bowl for Maria. «We took on fresh beets in Mologo!» Sveta said excitedly. «This is my mother’s recipe, but we’ve already run out of cream, thanks to all these hungry bastards.» She stated in a voice loud enough for them to hear. The men cheered, and it became evident that everyone got along like one big family with playful insults.

Maria felt more comfortable in the room when Sveta was nearby. She smiled and turned, looking for a place to sit.

The captain turned and swatted a man on the back of his head, «Gennady, make room!» He charred.

A young man stood and made eye contact with Maria. He was clearly the youngest of the entire crew and immediately offered his seat without objection. Maria smiled as she walked towards the seat, noticing the young man continued his gaze on her.

«Thank you,» Maria said sweetly.

Gennady paused for a moment, appearing nervous, «Preyatnoga apetita». He said quickly.

«Gena, where are my cargo records?» The captain said as he cleared his throat.

«Da Captain, right away,» Gennady said as he quickly exited the room.

The captain came and sat next to Maria. «Welcome aboard, Miss. I saw you come on in Yaroslavl, but I had my hands full with these greedy merchants.» He said.

«Thank you, your ship is… very nice!» Maria said nervously, unsure what else to say to him. He appeared as if he wanted something from her but she could not imagine what it would be.

«Ah, she was a fine ship in her day, but each year she’s more rotten and gone through with worms than the year before. Held together with pitch and patch.» He said in a regretful voice. «Are you staying with us all the way to Neva?» The captain asked.

«Yes sir, that is my intention.» She replied

«Very good, we’ll get you there safe and sound.» He added as he stood to leave the room. «Oh, and be mindful of Svetlana, she’s a great cook but full of mischief!» He said jokingly.

«Ya slishu!» Sveta’s voice boomed from the kitchen.

The captain chuckled, knowing she could hear him.

Maria suddenly remembered how Sveta described the captain’s small penis. Her face turned red as she couldn’t help but stare at him, this strong man with such a humbling secret.

«I’ll be mindful sir, thank you for your advice,» Maria said charmingly as she held her giggle.

The captain turned without another word and began pushing his way through the crowd. «Make a hole!» He bellowed as he exited the room.

Maria finished her soup and returned the bowl to Sveta.

«Spacibo, it was delicious, reminds me of home,» Maria said.

Sveta smiled in appreciation, «Na zdorovie!» She said.

Maria made her way out of the room, this time, the men instinctively knew to clear the way. She felt recognized and respected by their gesture but kept her eyes down as she felt uncomfortable when she saw how they looked at her.

She returned to her cabin and felt the weight of the day overtake her. She laid on her bed and felt warm and relaxed as the ship rocked its way northward on the Volga. The sound of the oars creaked their familiar rhythm beneath the decks as she began to fall asleep.

The Power of Words

Maria awoke as she heard Sveta entering the cabin. Sveta appeared exhausted, and her clothes were dirty from cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. She seemed to be in a hurry and frustrated by her tasks.

«You’ve got the right idea,» Sveta said as she noticed Maria waking up. «I wish I could get some sleep.»

«You’re not done?» Maria asked.

«No, the captain wants to see me, and I don’t think it’s about my cooking,» Sveta replied.

Sveta sorted through her few dresses, in an attempt to find something appropriate to wear. She kicked off her shoes and sat on her bed taking a deep breath. She paused, staring at the floor as if her mind was overwhelmed with thoughts.

«Can I help?» said Maria

«What, you want to go visit the captain instead? Be my guest!» Sveta said sarcastically.

Maria laughed slightly and said, «I meant to help you get ready» as she reached for her hairbrush and walked towards Sveta.

«Oh, that’s nice,» Sveta said in a relieved voice.

Maria began to comb Sveta’s long brown hair, she had to make tiny strokes as the steam in the kitchen had made it brittle and tangled. Sveta turned her back to Maria to make the brushing easier, she was delighted to have such attention.

«You don’t have to do this you know?» Sveta said calmly as she reclined and closed her eyes, taking a rest when she could get it.

«I don’t mind, besides your hair is very pretty when it’s brushed,» Maria replied

«And when it’s not…?» Sveta jabbed sarcastically.

«C’mon don’t be like that,» Maria said, knowing how women always destroy their compliments.

«Sveta, I’m curious how it works with him.» Maria asked, «Do you just show up and do it, or does he talk to you?»

Sveta felt embarrassed by the honesty of the question but realized there was no intended harm in her words. «Sometimes we talk a lot, others I’m just a servant doing his bidding,» She said regretfully.

«There are times I feel more like a wife, or how I think a wife would feel, taking care of her husband. I listen to his problems, rub his shoulders and say it will be fine, that he is clever, and he calms down.» Sveta continued.

«He seems kind of rough, does he hurt you?» Maria asked.

«I suppose to some he would be rough, but I am used to such men. His hands are hard, but usually, he is kind.» Sveta said as she decided to share more than she intended, «It’s not just the sex he wants. Actually, a man with power is very different. He wants your words as much as your body. You can’t just lay there and wait for him to finish, that will only make him angry. He needs you to say something to make him feel you… even after you’re gone.»

Maria was surprised at what she was learning; she had never heard such an idea. The curiosity in her awoke as a thousand questions filled her mind.

«What do you say!?» She asked in an impatient voice.

Sveta giggled as she knew this question was coming, «I try to think of new things to keep myself from growing bored but in general, they are all the same idea. You see, when a man looks at a woman he feels hunger inside him, a craving that he cannot contain. It’s like a fire that grows out of control until he has her… or thinks of her until he finishes with his hand.» She said as she burst out laughing.

The two of them giggled like school girls as Maria finished her hair and reached for a dress Sveta could wear. Sveta pulled her dirty dress over her head and reached for a damp cloth to wipe the sweat and dirt from her body. As she wiped, she continued her explanation.

«So… I have to think like a man and say the words that are like… perfect breasts for his mind. Words he will want to touch and feel, days or months later. In fact, sometimes, I think it makes them finish so much faster when I talk to them like that!» Sveta said as she dried off and pulled the clean dress over her head.

«Like what?!» Maria shouted, feeling frustrated by the delay in the answer.

Sveta laughed, «Oh you mean exact words? Well let’s see…» she paused.

Maria’s anticipation was overwhelming; she felt she was learning a great secret that would give her a magic power to use on an unknown future love. Her mind became open to learning as if she was being entrusted with a great mysterious secret full of power.

«I’ll tell him I want him or need him, that his body is strong, or he is so big or hard, like I’ve never seen or touched a man before, and if he is close to finishing I’ll beg him to come, but only if he is out of me, because I don’t want to get pregnant!» Sveta said, as the two of them sat together on the bed.

«I know it seems strange, but I feel proud when they finish, because I know I did that, I took control of them and made their body produce that magic juice!» Sveta said as her eyes sparkled.

Maria’s face twinged, «Eww, that’s disgusting!» She said in horror.

Sveta laughed, «Oh believe me I used to think the same way, especially at first, but now I crave it! And if I were married I would want it inside me every day, there is just something about it that makes a woman feel better…more… regular, you know?»

«Really?» Maria said in amazement.

Sveta’s eyes lit up with excitement, «Really!»

They both stood up smiling and laughing at their conversation. Maria primped and groomed Sveta’s hair and adjusted her dress. The look of a servant had faded away, Sveta’s hair had a slight curl as it draped down her shoulders. Her dress revealed the fullness of her body, feminine, elegant and beautiful.

«Irresistible,» Maria said with a smile as Sveta changed her shoes.

«Thanks, I don’t know what time I’ll be back, depends on if he’s in a talking mood,» Sveta said as she walked towards the door.

Maria smiled and straightened up the room. «I understand; I hope he is nice tonight.» She said unsure if it was appropriate or not.

Sveta smiled and exited the cabin. There was such energy when the two of them opened up and shared parts of their life. Maria had never experienced such a relationship except with her mother. But this was different, she didn’t feel inhibited to ask such questions and since her time in the tavern, her curiosity about sex had preoccupied her mind.

As she heard Sveta’s footsteps walking away from the cabin, she imagined what her new friend’s evening would be like. A knock on the door, the captain bidding her come in, and then how he would touch her or what she would say to him. She remembered how Sveta looked on the night she brought the man into their cabin. The way she touched him so confidently and took his hardness into her hand, and his juice in her mouth. It was hard to think of this as erotic or desirable, but she valued Sveta’s insight.

«Maybe this was something a woman grows to wish for or demand?» She thought.

Maria felt the eagerness to explore her body, she had the cabin to herself and pulled her dress off. Her hands slid across her body, she felt every inch of herself and wondered how she compared to Sveta. She knew her breasts were smaller than Sveta’s, but Maria was slimmer with longer hair. She took the hand mirror by Sveta’s bed and looked at it, as she held it out and slowly lowered it down her body. She could see her familiar curves, just as she had admired in Sveta. Her hand lowered and she watched the reflection of her womanhood in the glass.

She felt aroused in her exploration, her hands sliding over her skin as she looked into the mirror as if it were her lover’s eyes. She slid her fingers between her legs and felt herself wet with desire. She wanted to visit the pleasure she had discovered while watching the lovers in the dark, the couples in the Tavern and even the hungry looks from the crew.

She eagerly climbed into her bed, blowing out the single candle lighting the room, greeting the cover of darkness like an invitation to go on an erotic journey in her mind. She felt her nipples harden and pinched them noticing how it made her body tingle all the way down to her wetness. She pinched harder and harder to see what would happen until she found the limit where the pain was greater than pleasure.

Her fingers eagerly rushed between her legs. The slippery juices of her body made them glide quickly over her flesh. She spread and pulled her lips wide to expose the firm spot that cried out for attention. Each time she pressed it, she felt shivers of pleasure echoing through her lower body. She stroked it and teased it as it became firmer and aroused. Her other hand slid down and found the opening where she felt such a desire to be taken. Her finger slid inside her warm body, dripping wet and eager to be filled.

She carefully slid her finger inside her inner walls, it was exquisite and filled her with desire. Both her hands worked feverishly, circling and pressing as she ventured deeper inside her wetness. A warm glow began to spread across her body as she felt her breath escaping. It was as if she was flying, higher and higher, faster, stronger with each stroke and everything in her being urged her to keep going and find how this journey ended.

Images of the man she had watched with Sveta raced through her mind, his powerful body, his muscles and large member penetrating her over and over, and then she imagined what it would feel like inside her own body… that throbbing flesh, filling her as her hands squeezed his arms and held on to him until he came inside her.

Suddenly her face felt hot, she was shaking with excitement and hunger for more as she curled her fingers deep inside her wetness, feeling a pleasure so intense she couldn’t contain it. Her fingers were soaked in her juice as she made her body into a playground for pleasure. The thought of a man, coming inside her suddenly felt amazing, to have that pleasure of his hard shaft thrusting and bursting like an explosion of power made her quiver and moan.

Then she felt something new, terrifying and wonderful at once, taking over her body as she moaned out loud in ecstasy. There was no turning back, no escape, only complete surrender to the demand she felt as her body tightened around her fingers and squeezed in wave after wave of incredible pleasure. She held her breath and suddenly the world stopped as she felt her soul escape for a moment then slowly transcend back into her body, carefully, lowering her back to the bed in ecstasy.

She raced to catch her breath as if no air was left in the room. She gasped and slowly rested her hands, ceasing all movements as her hips arched and twisted from the echoes of her orgasm. This was heaven, paradise, and she wanted to remain in such a trance of pleasure. She closed her eyes and imagined a man, softly kissing her body now, touching her and whispering things in her ear. How his body would feel next to her and the warmth of his touch. This was more than sexual exploration now, it was a secret way to visit her future lover. And she couldn’t image denying him anything he wanted.

Maria’s thoughts faded into dreams as she laid in her bed. The ship gently rocked and cradled her into a deep sleep where she drifted in images of a man’s bare body and his hands on her. It was the first time she had dreamt of such erotic and powerful sensations. As if a fire had been lit inside her soul that would not easily be controlled or extinguished.

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