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Читать книгу: «Fragments of Earth Lore: Sketches & Addresses Geological and Geographical», страница 14


The probability of such frozen masses having choked up valleys and impeded the drainage during the Ice Age is not a mere plausible conjecture. In the far north of Alaska – in a region which was certainly not overflowed by the North American ice-cap – extensive sheets of ice occur, more or less deeply buried under thick soil. Nor can there be much doubt that these ice-masses date back to the Glacial period itself, seeing that in the soils which overlie them we meet with remains of the mammoth and other contemporaneous mammalian forms. Here, then, we have direct proof of the fact of frozen snow and ice having accumulated in the hollows of the land outside of the glaciated areas.14

Now, if such conditions existed in the valleys of middle Europe, the widespread loss of those regions is readily accounted for. The occurrence of irregular sheets and shreds of gravel and loam at heights of more than a hundred feet above a valley-bottom offers no difficulty – it is in fact precisely the kind of phenomenon we might have expected. We are therefore not required to go out of our way to dream about impossible volcanic action, or to call upon the winds of heaven to help us, or upon the waters of the Deluge to float us out of our difficulties. But while I believe the views I have now advocated sufficiently account for the appearances presented by the ancient valley-gravels and loams of central Europe, there are two very considerable areas of löss which require some further explanation. The first of these is that broad belt of löss which extends from west to east across the plains of northern Germany, and the northern boundary of which coincides with the limits reached by the last great ice-sheet, from which it spreads south to the foot-hills of the Harz, and other mountains of middle Europe. Here we have a sheet of löss which bears no apparent relation to the valley-systems of the region in which it occurs. But the fact of its northern boundary being coincident with the terminal front of the last great northern ice-sheet at once suggests its origin. It is evident that this ice-sheet must have blocked the rivers flowing north, and dammed back their waters.15 A wide sheet of muddy water must therefore have extended east and west over the very area which is now covered by the belt of löss in question. This temporary lake would doubtless be subject to great alternations of level – a portion draining away perhaps under the ice-sheet – but the water would for the most part make its way westward, and eventually escape into the English Channel. From the waters of this great lake, fed by many large glacial rivers, abundant precipitation of loam and silt must have taken place.

The second and by far the most extensive sheet of löss in Europe is the so-called “black earth,” or “tchernozem,” with which such enormous tracts in southern Russia are covered. This widespread löss – for such it really is – I have elsewhere tried to show consists of the flood-loam and inundation-muds laid down by the water escaping along the margin of the northern ice-sheet, which discharged its drainage in the direction of the Black Sea, its black colour being due to the grinding down and pulverising of the black Jurassic shales which extend over such wide regions in middle Russia.

The Extent of Glaciation in North America

The various phenomena of glaciation which go to prove that a great ice-sheet formerly covered a wide region in northern Europe are developed on a still more extensive scale in North America. Smoothed and striated rock-surfaces, crushed and dislocated rock-masses, and enormous accumulations of morainic débris and fluvio-glacial detritus, all combine to tell the same tale. The morainic accumulations of North America have been distributed upon the same principles as the similar deposits of our own Continent. Boulder-clay of precisely the same character as that of Scotland and Scandinavia, of Switzerland and north Italy, covers vast tracts in the low-grounds of the British Possessions and the northern States of the Union, where it forms enormous sheets, varying in thickness from 30 or 50 up to 100 feet or more. In the rough Laurentian high-lands, however, it is more sparingly developed, and the same is the case in the hilly regions of New England. In short, it thickens out upon the low-grounds, and thins off upon the steeper slopes, while it attains its greatest thickness and forms the most continuous sheets in the country that lies south of the great lakes.

The southern limits of this deposit form a kind of rude semi-circle. From New York the boundary-line has been followed north-west through New Jersey and Pennsylvania to beyond the forty-second parallel, after which it turns to the south-west, passing down through Ohio to Cincinnati (39°); then, striking west and south-west through Indiana, it traverses the southern portion of Illinois. Its course after it reaches the valley of the Missouri has been only approximately determined, but it turns at last rather abruptly to the north-west, sweeping away in that direction through Kansas, Nebraska, Dakota, and Montana.

The general course followed by the ice-sheet underneath which this boulder-clay was formed has been well ascertained, partly by the evidence of the clay and its contents, and partly by that of roches moutonnées and striated rocks. The observations of geologists in Canada and the States leave it in no doubt that an enormous sheet of ice flowed south over all the tracts which are now covered with boulder-clay. During a recent visit to Canada and the States, I had opportunities of examining the glacial deposits at various points over a somewhat extensive area, and everywhere I found the exact counterparts of our own accumulations. In Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, and again in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, and the low-grounds of Canada, I recognised boulder-clay of precisely the same character as that with which we are familiar at home. The glacial phenomena of the Hudson valley and of the lower part of the Connecticut River were especially interesting. In those regions the evidence of a southward flow of the ice is most conspicuous, and the phenomena, down to the smallest details, exactly recalled those of many parts of Europe. Professor Dana, under whose guidance I visited the Connecticut valley, showed me, at a considerable height upon the valley-slope, an ancient water-course, charged with gravel and shingle, which could not possibly have been laid down under present conditions. It was, in fact, a sub-glacial water-course, and resembled the similar water-courses which are associated with boulder-clay in our own country.

If I met with only familiar glacial phenomena in the low-lying tracts traversed by me, I certainly saw nothing strange or abnormal in the hillier tracts. In passing over the dreary regions between the valley of the Red River and Lake Superior I was constantly reminded of the bleak tracts of Archæan gneiss in the north-west of Scotland, and of the similar rough broken uplands in many parts of Scandinavia and Finland. The whole of that wild land is moutonnée. Rough tors and crags are smoothed off, while boulder-clay nestles on the lee-side. In the hollows between the roches moutonnées are straggling lakes and pools and bogs innumerable. Frequently, too, one comes upon rounded cones and smooth banks of morainic gravel and sand, and heaps of coarse shingle and boulders, while erratics in thousands are scattered over the whole district. If you wish to have a fair notion of the geological aspect of the region I refer to, you will find samples of it in many parts of the Outer Hebrides and western Ross-shire and Sutherland. Cover those latter districts with scraggy pines, and their resemblance to the uplands of Canada will be complete.

From descriptions given by travellers it would appear that morainic detritus – mounds and sheets of stony clay, gravel and sand, shingle, boulders, and erratics – are more or less plentifully sprinkled over all the British Possessions and the islands of the Arctic Archipelago; so that we have every reason to believe that the ice-sheet which left its moraines at New York and Cincinnati extended northwards to the Arctic Ocean. Nor can there be much doubt that this same mer de glace became confluent in the west with the great glaciers that streamed outwards from the Rocky Mountains; while we know for a certainty that the southern portion of Alaska, together with British Columbia and Vancouver Island, were buried in ice that flowed outwards into the Pacific.

Along the eastern sea-board north of New York city there is no tract which has not been overflowed by ice. The islands in Boston Harbour are made up for the most part of tough boulder-clay; and boulder-clay and striated rocks occur also in Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.

Thus we may say that the ice-covered region of North America was bounded on the north by the Arctic, on the west by the Pacific, and on the east by the Atlantic Oceans. The Rocky Mountains, however, divided the great mer de glace that overflowed Canada and the States from the ice that streamed outwards to the Pacific. Measured from the base of the Rockies to the Atlantic, the mer de glace of Canada and the States must have exceeded 2500 miles in width, and it stretched from north to south over 40 degrees of latitude.

Outside of this vast region and the great mountain-ranges of the far west, there are few hilly areas in the States which reach any considerable elevation. South of the mers de glace of the north and west, no such mountain-groups as those of middle and southern Europe occur, and consequently we do not expect to meet with many traces of local glaciation. Nevertheless, these have been recognised in the Alleghany Mountains, West Virginia, and in the Unaka Mountains, between Tennessee and North Carolina. But the glaciers of those minor hill-ranges were of course mere pigmies in comparison with the enormous ice-streams that flowed down the valleys of the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada. Even as far south as the Sierra Madre of Mexico glaciers seem formerly to have existed; and Mr. Belt has described the occurrence of what he considered to be boulder-clays at a height of 2000 to 3000 feet in Nicaragua.

I have mentioned the fact that in Europe we have, outside of the glaciated areas, certain accumulations (such as the Gibraltar breccias) which could only have been formed under the influence of extreme cold. Similar accumulations occur in North Carolina, where they have been carefully studied by Mr. W. C. Kerr. According to Mr. Kerr, these deposits have crept down the declivities of the ground under the influence of successive freezings and thawings; and now that attention has been called to such phenomena, our American friends will doubtless detect similar appearances in many other places.

The facts which I have now briefly indicated suffice to show that during the climax of glaciation North America must have presented very much the same appearance as Europe. Each continent had its great northern ice-sheet, south of which local glaciers existed in hilly districts, many of which are now far below the limits of perennial snow. We may note, also, that in each continent the mers de glace attained their greatest development over those regions which at the present day have the largest rainfall. Following the southern limits of glaciation in Europe, we are led at first directly east, until we reach central Russia, when the line we follow trends rapidly away to the north-east. The like is the case with North America. Trace the southern boundary of the ice-sheet west of New York, and you find, when you reach the valley of the Missouri, that it bends away to the north-west. Now we can hardly doubt that one principal reason for the non-appearance of the mer de glace in the far east of Europe and the far west of America was simply a diminishing snow-fall. Those non-glaciated regions which lay north of the latitudes reached by the ice-sheets were dry regions in glacial times for the same reasons that they are dry still. The only differences between glacial Europe and America were differences due to geographical position and physical features. The glaciation of the Urals was comparatively unimportant, because those mountains, being flanked on either side by vast land-areas, could have had only a limited snow-fall; while the mountain-ranges of western North America, on the other hand, being situated near the Pacific, could not fail to be copiously supplied. For obvious reasons, also, the North American ice-sheet greatly exceeded that of Europe. In all other respects the conditions were similar in both continents.

Changes of Climate in North America during the Ice Age

American geologists are now pretty well agreed that their “interglacial deposits” – the existence of which is not disputed – have precisely the same meaning as the similar deposits which occur in Europe. They tell of great climatic changes. At present, however, there is no certain evidence in the American deposits of more than one interglacial epoch; but the proofs of such an epoch having obtained are overwhelming. The occurrence again and again of fossiliferous beds intercalated between two separate and distinct sheets of boulder-clay and morainic accumulations, leaves us in no doubt that we are dealing with precisely the same phenomena which confront us in Europe. No mere partial recession and re-advance of the mer de glace will account for the facts. We have seen that during the culmination of the Glacial period the American ice-sheet overflowed Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Now interglacial deposits occur as far north as the Canadian shores of Lakes Ontario and Superior, so that all the country to the south must have been uncovered by ice before those interglacial deposits were laid down. But the evidence entitles us to say much more than this. The interglacial beds of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and other States, afford abundant evidence of a great forest-growth having covered the regions vacated by the ice of the penultimate glacial epoch. The trees of this forest-land included sycamore, beech, hickory, red-cedar, and others; and amongst the plants were grape vines of enormous growth, which, according to Professor Cox, “indicate perhaps the luxuriance of a warmer climate.” At all events, the climate that nourished such a forest-growth could not have been less genial than the present. And such being the case, we may reasonably infer that the vast regions to the north of the lakes were no more inhospitable then than they are now.

To this genial interglacial epoch succeeded the last glacial epoch, when a great ice-sheet once more enveloped a wide area. In the extreme east this latest mer de glace appears to have reached as far south as that of the earlier epoch; but as we follow its terminal moraines westward they lead us further and further away from the southern limits attained by the preceding ice-sheet. These great terminal moraines form an interesting study, and the general results obtained by American observers have been very carefully put together by Professor Chamberlin. I traversed wide regions of those moraines in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and, so far as my observations went, I could only confirm the conclusions arrived at by Professor Chamberlin and others. The mounds, banks, cones, and ridges are unquestionably moraines – of enormous dimensions, no doubt, but in all their phenomena strictly analogous to similar gravelly moraines in our own country and the Continent. Many of the American moraines consist almost entirely of water-worn material – sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders, together with large angular and sub-angular erratics. These deposits are generally stratified, and frequently show diagonal or false-bedding. In this and other respects they exactly reproduce – but of course on a much larger scale – our Scottish kames, and the similar accumulations of north Germany and Finland, and the low-grounds of Italy opposite the mouths of the great Alpine lakes. The kames of Wisconsin again and again reminded me of the gravelly moraines that cover the ground for many miles round the lower end of Lake Garda. It is this gravelly and sandy aspect of the American moraines that is most conspicuous, water-assorted materials seeming everywhere to form their upper and outer portions. Now and again, however, a deep cutting discloses underneath and behind such water-worn detritus a mass of confused materials, consisting of clay, sand, gravel, shingle, and boulders, which are angular and sub-angular, often smoothed and striated, and of all shapes and sizes. According to Mr. Chamberlin, this unstratified material “is indistinguishable from true till, and is doubtless to be regarded as till pushed up into corrugations by the mechanical action of the ice.”

This grand series of moraines stretches from the peninsula of Cape Cod across the northern States, and passes in a north-westerly direction into the British Possessions, over which it has been followed for some 400 miles. The disposition of the moraines, forming as they do a series of great loops, shows that the ice-sheet terminated in a number of lobes or gigantic tongue-like processes. Nothing seen by me suggested any marine action; on the contrary, every appearance, as I have said, betokened the morainic origin of the mounds; and Mr. Chamberlin assured me that their peculiar distribution was everywhere suggestive of this origin. No one who has traversed the regions I refer to is at all likely to agree with Sir W. Dawson’s view, that the American mounds, etc., are the shore-accumulations of an ice-laden sea.

The morainic origin of these accumulations having been demonstrated by American geologists, we are now able to draw another parallel between the European and American glacial deposits. We have seen that in Europe the ice-sheet of the latest glacial epoch was by no means so extensive as that of the preceding glacial epoch. The same was the case in North America. Moreover, in America, just as in Europe, the latest occupant of the land was not the sea, but glacier-ice. In Scotland and Scandinavia the gradual disappearance of the latest ice-sheets was marked by a partial submergence, which in the former country did not greatly exceed 100 feet, and in the latter 700 feet. In America, in like manner, we find traces of a similar partial submergence. In Connecticut this did not exceed 40 or 50 feet, but increased to some 500 feet in the St. Lawrence, and to over 1000 feet in the Arctic regions. If there ever was during the Glacial period a greater submergence than this in North America it must have taken place in earlier glacial or interglacial times, but of such a submergence no trace has yet been recognised. In this respect the American record differs somewhat from our own, for in Britain we have evidence of a submergence of over 1000 feet, which supervened in times immediately preceding the latest great extension of continental ice.16 But nowhere in middle Europe, and nowhere in North America, in the region south and west of the great lakes, is there any trace of a general marine submergence. The “Palæocrystic Sea” is as idle a dream for the northern States of America as it is for any part of Europe.

The Results of Fluvio-glacial Action in North America

The close analogies which obtain between the glacial and interglacial deposits of Europe and North America are equally characteristic of the fluvio-glacial accumulations of the two continents. As in Europe, so in America we meet with considerable sheets of gravel and shingle, sand, fine clay, and loam, which are evidently of freshwater origin. In the gently-undulating tracts of the northern States those deposits often spread continuously over wide regions; in the hillier districts, however, they are most characteristic of the valleys. They are very well represented, for example, in the Connecticut valley, where they have been carefully studied by Professor Dana. Like the similar deposits of our own Continent, they have been laid down by the torrents and swollen rivers of the Glacial period. The great range of moraines which marks the extreme limits reached by the latest ice-sheet is generally associated with sheets of gravel and sand, which one can see at a glance are of contemporaneous origin, having been spread out by the water escaping from the melting ice. Nor can one doubt that the vast sheets of löss in the Missouri and Mississippi valleys are strictly analogous in origin, as they are in structure and disposition, to the löss of Europe. I have spoken of the probable existence of a glacial lake formed by the damming back of the Rhine and other rivers by the European ice-sheet. Now, in North America we meet with evidence of the same phenomenon. When the last ice-sheet of that continent attained its maximum development, all the water escaping from its margin in the north States necessarily flowed south into the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. But in course of time the ice melted away beyond the drainage-area of those rivers, and disappeared from the valley of the Red River of the north, which, it will be remembered, empties itself northward into Lake Winnipeg. When the ice-front had retired so far it naturally impeded the drainage of the Red River basin, and thus formed a vast glacial lake, the limits of which have been approximately mapped out by Mr. Upham, by whom the ancient lake has been designated Lake Agassiz. The deposits laid down in this lake consist of finely laminated clays, etc., which resemble in every particular the similar unfossiliferous clays so frequently found associated with glacial accumulations in Europe. Had the drainage of the Red River valley been south instead of north, the clays and loams of the far north-west would not have been arrested and spread out where they now are, and Manitoba would have been covered for the most part with loose shingle, gravel, and sand.

Thus the final disappearance of the American ice-sheet was marked by the formation not only of moraines, but of flood-gravels and torrential- and inundation-deposits of the same character as those with which we are familiar at home. Wherever similar geographical conditions prevailed, there similar geological results followed.

14.I have given Mr. Darwin’s views, and discussed the origin of the Pleistocene fluvio-glacial deposits at some length in Prehistoric Europe, chaps, viii. and ix. To this work I refer for detailed geological evidence in support of the view advocated above.
15.The late Mr. Belt, as is well known, was of opinion that all the rivers flowing north in Europe and Asia were dammed back by a great Polar glacier, and that all the low-tracts in the northern portions of the two continents were thus covered by wide inland seas of freshwater. As I do not believe that such a Polar ice-cap existed during the Glacial period, I cannot agree with Mr. Belt that the alluvial plains of northern Siberia mark the sites of ice-dammed lakes.
16.See footnote, p. 173.
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