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There are many other points of resemblance between the glacial and fluvio-glacial accumulations of the two continents, but to these time forbids any reference. Indeed, I cannot recall any signal difference. Such differences as do occur are due simply to the varying conditions of the two continental areas. The glacial phenomena of North America are a repetition of those of Europe, but upon a much grander scale. The boulder-clays of the former continent, in their composition, structure, and distribution, exactly recall our own. Interglacial beds occur under similar circumstances in both continents; and the same is the case with the gravelly moraines and fluvio-glacial accumulations. We are driven, then, to the conclusion that the physical conditions of the Glacial period were practically the same in Europe and North America. What those conditions were I have already indicated, and have shown that the results arrived at by geologists are not vague dreams and speculations, but a logical induction from well-ascertained facts. Before we can believe that volcanic eruptions, a general deluge, or a Palæocrystic Sea have produced the many varied phenomena of our glacial formations, either in whole or in part, we must first shut our eyes and then erase from our minds all knowledge of the facts which have been so laboriously gathered by a long succession of competent observers.

The Intercrossing of Erratics in Glacial Deposits. 17

Among the many phenomena connected with the glacial deposits of this country which have puzzled geologists there is none more remarkable than the “intercrossing of erratics.” The fact that such wandered blocks have apparently crossed each other’s tracks in their journeys appears at first sight inexplicable on the assumption that their transport has been effected by land-ice. The phenomena in question, therefore, have always been appealed to by those who uphold the iceberg origin of our boulder-clays, etc., as evidence decisively in favour of their views. No one can deny that any degree and amount of intercrossing might take place in the case of icebergs. We can readily conceive how floating ice, detached from a long line of coast, might be compelled by shifting winds and changing currents to tack about again and again, so as to pursue the most devious course, and scatter their stony burdens in the most erratic manner over the sea-bottom; while, on the other hand, it is quite impossible to understand how a similar irregular distribution of erratics could take place under one and the same glacier flowing in a determinate direction. It is little wonder, then, that the curious phenomena of the intercrossing of erratics should have had much importance attached to it by the upholders of the iceberg theory, seeing that all the other proofs which have been adduced in favour of this theory have only served to demonstrate its insufficiency. Upon the facts connected with the intercrossing of erratics, the supporters of this time-honoured theory are now making what I must believe is their last stand. I purpose therefore, in this paper, to give a short outline of those facts, with the view of showing that so far from being antagonistic to the land-ice theory, they are in complete harmony with it; and indeed must be considered as affording an additional demonstration of its truth.

Some years ago I called attention to the fact that in the middle districts of Scotland the boulder-clay not infrequently contains a curious commingling of northern and southern erratics.18 I showed that this was the case throughout a belt of country extending from the sea-coast near Ayr, north-east to the valley of the Irvine, and thence across the watershed into the Avon, and east to Lesmahagow, then down the valley of the Clyde to Carluke, stretching away to the east by Wilsontown, and thereafter continuing along the crest of the Pentlands and the northern slopes of the Lammermuir Hills, by Reston and Ayton, to the sea. “All along this line,” I remarked, “we have a ‘debatable ground’ of variable breadth, throughout which we find a commingling in the till of stones which have come from north and from south. South of it, characteristic Highland stones do not occur, and north of it stones derived from the south are similarly absent.” The explanation of these facts is obvious. The belt of ground referred to was evidently the meeting-place of the Highland and southern mers de glace. Here the two opposing ice-flows coalesced and became deflected by their mutual pressure to right and left – one great current going east and another west. It is evident that the line of junction between the two mers de glace could not be rigorously maintained in one and the same position during a period of glaciation, but would tend to oscillate backwards and forwards, according as one or the other ice-sheet prevailed. Sometimes the southern ice-sheet would be enabled to push back the northern mer de glace, while at other times the converse would take place. Nor is it necessary to suppose that the advance of one ice-sheet was general along the whole line. On the contrary, it is most likely that the movement was quite irregular – an ice-sheet advancing in some places, while at other points its line of junction with the opposing ice-sheet remained stationary, or even retrograded. Such movements would obviously give rise to oscillations in the sub-glacial débris of clay and stones; and thus we have a simple and natural explanation of those intercrossings of erratics which are so characteristic of that region which I have termed the “debatable ground.” And this conclusion is borne out by the fact that the glacial striæ of the same “debatable ground” afford like evidence of oscillation in the trend of the ice-flow.

Along the base of the Highland mountains in Forfarshire, etc., we meet with similar intercrossings of erratics. Thus we occasionally encounter in the boulder-clays overlying the Silurian regions erratics of Old Red Sandstone rocks which have come from the east or south-east; while the abundant presence of erratics of Silurian origin, on the other hand, bespeak an ice-flow from the west towards the low-grounds. In some places within the Silurian area we encounter a greyish-blue boulder-clay containing Silurian fragments only, while in other places within the same area the boulder-clay becomes reddish, and is charged with many boulders of Old Red Sandstone rocks. Now the greyish-blue till could only have been laid down by glacier-ice descending from the Silurian high-grounds to Strathmore, while the red boulder-clay points to a partial invasion of the Silurian regions by land-ice, which had previously traversed the lower-lying Old Red Sandstone areas. These apparently contradictory movements are readily accounted for by the former presence in the area of the North Sea of the great Scandinavian mer de glace. Dr. James Croll was the first to point out that the glacial phenomena of Caithness and the Shetlands could only be accounted for by the advance of the Scandinavian ice-sheet towards our coasts, where it encountered and deflected the Scottish ice-sheet out of its normal course – a sagacious induction, which the admirable and exhaustive researches of my colleagues, Messrs. B. N. Peach and J. Horne, have now firmly established. The lower blue boulder-clay was evidently accumulated at a time when the Scottish ice was able to flow more or less directly east or south-east towards what is now the coast-line; while the overlying red boulder-clay points to a subsequent period when the presence of the Scandinavian mer de glace was sufficiently great to compel the Scottish ice out of its normal course, and cause it to flow in a north-easterly direction. In doing so it now and again passed from tracts of Old Red Sandstone to invade the Silurian area, and thus an overlying red boulder-clay was here and there accumulated upon the surface of a greyish-blue till in which not a single fragment of any Old Red Sandstone rock occurs.

Recently Messrs. B. N. Peach and J. Horne, in a most instructive paper on the “Glaciation of Caithness,”19 have described some remarkable comminglings of material which occur in a region where the glacial striæ afford equally striking evidence of conflicting ice-movements. These phenomena are developed here and there along a line which indicates the meeting-place of two rival ice-streams, on each side of which the boulder-clay presents different characteristics – the one boulder-clay being the moraine profonde of the ice that flowed ENE. and NNE. towards the Caithness plain, while the other is an accumulation formed underneath the ice that streamed across that plain from SE. to NW. These phenomena are thus, as my colleagues remark, quite analogous to those met with in the middle districts of Scotland, as described by me, and referred to in a preceding paragraph. Now it is obvious that while these examples of “intercrossings” of erratics and “cross-hatching” of striæ all go strongly to support the land-ice theory of the glacial phenomena, they at the same time negative the notion of floating-ice having had anything to do with the production of the phenomena under review.

Before considering the evidence adduced by Mr. Mackintosh and others as to the intercrossings of erratics in the drift-deposits of England, I shall mention some of the more remarkable examples of the same phenomena which have been noticed by continental geologists. The first cases I shall cite are those which have been observed in the glacial accumulations of the Rhone valley in eastern France. The land-ice origin of these accumulations has never been called in question, and as the intercrossings of erratics in that region are not only more common, but much more striking and apparently inexplicable than any which have been noticed elsewhere, it will be admitted that they of themselves afford a strong presumption that the conflicting courses followed by the erratics in certain regions of our own country are the result rather of oscillations in the flow of land-ice than of the random and eccentric action of icebergs. The researches of Swiss and French glacialists have proved that during the climax of the Glacial period an enormous area in the low-grounds of eastern France was covered with a huge mer de glace, formed by the union of the great Rhone glacier with the glaciers descending from the mountains of Savoy and Dauphiny. A line drawn from Bourg by way of Chatillon, Villeneuve, Trévoux, and Lyons to Vienne, and thence south-east by Beaurepaire to the valley of the Isère, a few miles above St. Marcellin, indicates roughly the furthest limits reached by the mer de glace. Over all the low-grounds between that terminal line and the mountains are found widespread sheets of boulder-clay and sand and gravel, together with loose erratics. Now and again, too, well-marked terminal moraines make their appearance, while the rock-surfaces, when these are visible and capable of bearing and retaining glacial markings, present the usual aspect of roches moutonnées. The same kinds of morainic materials and ice-markings may of course be followed up into the valleys not only of the Alps properly so-called, but also into those of the hills of Bugey and the secondary mountain-chain of Savoy and Dauphiny. It has indeed long been known that local glaciers formerly occupied the mountain-valleys of Bugey. For example, a number of small glaciers have descended from the slopes of the mountains west of Belley (such as Bois de la Morgue, Bois de Lind, etc.) to the Rhone, and again from Mont du Chat to the north-west. These glaciers were quite independent of the greater ice-streams of the neighbouring Alps of Savoy, and the same was the case with the glaciers of that mountainous tract which extends from Nantua south to Culoz, between the valleys of the Ain and the Rhone. From this elevated region many local glaciers descended, such as that of the Valromey, which flowed for a distance of some twenty miles from north to south. Again, similar local glaciers have left abundant traces of their former presence throughout the mountainous belt of land that stretches between Chambery and Grenoble to the west of the valley of the Isère. The moraines of all those local glaciers, charged as they are with the débris of the neighbouring heights, clearly indicate that the local glaciers flowed each down its own particular valley. There are certain other appearances, however, which seem at first sight to contradict this view. Sometimes, for example, we encounter in the same valleys erratics which do not belong to the drainage-system within which they occur, but have without doubt been derived from the higher Alps of Switzerland and Savoy. And the course followed by these foreign erratics has crossed at all angles that which the local glaciers have certainly pursued – occasionally, indeed, the one set of erratics has travelled in a direction exactly opposed to the trend taken by the others. As examples, I may cite the case of the erratics which occur in Petit Bugey. In this district we encounter many locally-derived erratics which have come from Mont du Chat to the west of the Lac du Bourget – that is to say, they have travelled in a north-westerly direction. But in the same neighbourhood are found many erratics of Alpine origin which have been carried from north-east to south-west, or at right angles to the course followed by the local erratics. Again, in the valley of the Seran we have evidence in erratics and terminal moraines of a local glacier which flowed south as far as the Lyons and Geneva Railway, in the neighbourhood of which, a few miles to the west of Culoz, its terminal moraines may be observed. This is the extinct Glacier du Valromey of MM. Falsan and Chantre. Now it is especially worthy of note that in the same valley we have distinct evidence of an ice-flow from south to north —i. e., up the valley. Erratics and morainic materials which are unquestionably of Alpine origin have been followed a long way up the Seran valley – for two-thirds of its length at least. Before they could have entered that valley and approached the slopes of Romey, they must have travelled down the valley of the Rhone from the higher Alps of Savoy in a south-west and south direction until they rounded the Montagne du Grand Colombier. It was only after they had rounded this massive mountain-ridge that they could pursue their course up the valley of the Seran, in a direction precisely opposite to that which they had previously followed. These and many similar and even more remarkable examples of the “intercrossings” of streams of erratics are described by MM. Falsan and Chantre, and graphically portrayed in their beautiful and instructive work on the “Ancient Glaciers and Erratic Deposits of the Basin of the Rhone”; and the explanation of the phenomena given by them is extremely simple and convincing. The local erratics and moraines pertain partly to the commencement and partly to the closing stage of the Glacial period. Long before the south branch of the great glacier of the Rhone had united with the glacier of the Arve, and this last with the glaciers of Annecy and Beaufurt, and before these had become confluent with the glacier of the Isère, etc., the secondary mountain-ranges of Savoy and Dauphiny and the hills of Bugey were covered with very considerable snow-fields, from which local glaciers descended all the valleys to the low-ground. But when the vast ice-flows of Switzerland, Upper Savoy, etc., at last became confluent, they completely overflowed many of the hilly districts which had formerly supported independent snow-fields and glaciers, and deposited their bottom-moraines over the morainic débris of the local glaciers. In other cases, where the secondary hill-ranges were too lofty to be completely drowned in the great mer de glace, long tongues of ice dilated into the valleys, and compelled the local ice out of its course; sometimes, as in the case of the Valromey, forcing it backward up the valleys down which it formerly flowed. But when once more the mighty mer de glace was on the wane, then the local glaciers came again into existence, and reoccupied their old courses. And thus it is that in the hilly regions at the base of the higher Alps, and even out upon the low-grounds and plains, we encounter that remarkable commingling of erratics which has been described above. Not infrequently, indeed, we find one set of moraines superposed upon another, just as in the low-grounds of northern Germany, etc., we may observe one boulder-clay overlying another, the erratics in which give evidence of transport in different directions. The observations recorded by MM. Falsan and Chantre, and their colleagues, thus demonstrate that “intercrossings” of erratics of the most pronounced character have been brought about solely by the action of glaciers. In the case of the erratics and morainic accumulations of the basin of the Rhone, the action of icebergs is entirely precluded.

I may now mention some of the more remarkable examples of intercrossings of erratics which have been recorded from the glacial accumulations of north Germany, etc. An examination of the glacial striæ, roches moutonnées, and boulder-clays of Saxony leads to the conviction, according to Credner, Penck, Torell, Helland, and others, that the whole of that region has been invaded by the great Scandinavian mer de glace which flowed into Saxony from NNE. to SSW. Erratics from southern Sweden and Gothland occur in the boulder-clay, and the presence of these, taken in connection with the direction of the glaciation, leaves us no alternative but to agree with the conclusions arrived at by the Saxon geologists. But, apparently in direct contradiction of this conclusion, we have evidence to show that boulders of the same kinds of rock occur in Denmark and Holland, pointing to a former ice-flow from north-east to south-west and west. Thus boulders derived from Gothland occur at Gröningen in Holland, while fragments from the island of Öland are met with in Faxö; and erratics from the borders of the Gulf of Finland are encountered at Hamburg. Indeed, when geologists come to examine the erratics in north Germany and Poland generally, they find evidence of apparently two ice-flows – one of which went south-south-west, south, and south-east – spreading out, as it were, in a fan-shape towards the southern limits reached by the great “Northern Drift,” – while the other seems to have followed the course of the Baltic depression, overflowing the low-grounds of northern Prussia, Holland, etc., in a south-west and west direction. Now, it is quite evident that no one mer de glace could have followed these various directions at one and the same time. The explanation of the apparent anomaly, however, is not far to seek. It is reasonable to infer that long before the mer de glace had attained its maximum dimensions, when as yet it was confined to the basin of the Baltic and was only able to overflow the northern regions of Prussia, etc., its course would be determined by the contour of the pavement upon which it advanced. It would, therefore, be compelled to follow the Baltic depression, and for a long time it would carry erratics from Finland, the Baltic islands, and eastern Sweden in a south-west and west-south-west direction. And this would continue to be the direction even after a considerable portion of the low-grounds of Prussia, etc., had been overflowed. But when the ice-sheet was enabled to advance south into Saxony, Poland, and Lithuania, erratics from Finland, the Baltic islands, etc., would necessarily cease to travel towards the west, and hold on a south-south-east, south, and south-south-west course. Again, when the mer de glace was on the decline, a time would return when the ice, as before, would be controlled in its flow by the Baltic depression, and this would give rise to a further distribution of erratics in a prevalent west-by-south direction.20

No one of late years has been more assiduous in the collection of facts relating to the intercrossing of erratics in the drift-deposits of England than Mr. D. Mackintosh.21 He has written many instructive and interesting descriptions of the phenomena in question, which he justly thinks are of prime importance from a theoretical point of view. In a recent paper22 he presents us with the results of a systematic survey of the direction and limits of dispersion of the erratics of the west of England and east of Wales, which he evidently is of opinion afford strong support to the iceberg theory, while at the same time they are directly opposed to the theory of transport by land-ice. I have attentively considered all the arguments advanced by Mr. Mackintosh in favour of his views – the one upon which he apparently lays most stress being that of the intercrossings of erratics observed by him – and I shall now proceed to point out how the phenomena described by him are most satisfactorily explained by the land-ice theory. They seem to me, indeed, to lend additional support to that theory, in the same manner as the intercrossings of boulders observed in Scotland, northern Germany, etc., and sub-alpine regions of France. Mr. Mackintosh calls attention to the fact that erratics of the well-known Criffel granite are found scattered over a large part of the plain of Cumberland, from which they extend south along the coast to near the mouth of the estuary of the Duddon. They reappear on the coast in the neighbourhood of Blackpool and Liverpool, and again at intervals on the coasts of north Wales from Flint to Colwyn Bay, and thence to Penmaenmawr and the neighbourhood of Beaumaris. They are dispersed over the peninsula of Wirral and the Cheshire plain, etc., and they have been followed south-east as far as the neighbourhood of Cardington, near Church Stretton, Burton, Wolverhampton, Stafford, Hare Castle, Macclesfield, and Manchester. This great stream of boulders, therefore, spreads out to south-east, south, and south-west: the erratics, to quote Mr. Mackintosh, “have radiated from an area much smaller than their terminal breadth.” The same is the case, I may remark in passing, with erratics in the boulder-clays of Scotland, Scandinavia, north Germany, etc., as also with those in the drift-deposits of the great Rhone glacier and other ancient glaciers both on the north and south side of the Alps. Now, the course followed by the Criffel erratics is crossed at an acute angle by the path pursued by many boulders of Eskdale granite, and various felspathic rocks derived from the Cumberland mountains. For example, Cumberland erratics of the kinds mentioned occur near St. Asaph and Moel-y-Tryfane and in Anglesey, and they have been followed over a wide district in Cheshire, etc., extending as far south as Church Stretton and Wolverhampton, and as far east as Rochdale. More than this, we find that numerous erratics of felstone, derived from the mountain of Great Arenig, in north Wales, have gone to north-east as far as Halkin Mountain, in Flintshire, Eryrys, near Llanarmon, and Chirk, from which last-named place they have been traced in a south-easterly direction to Birmingham, Bromsgrove, etc. A glance at the map of England will show that this south-easterly drift of erratics crosses at an acute angle the paths followed by the Criffel granite boulders and the erratics derived from Cumberland, so that we have now several intercrossings to account for. How can this be done by the land-ice theory?

The explanation seems to me obvious, for the phenomena are, after all, less striking than similar appearances which have been observed in Scotland, especially by my colleagues, Messrs. Peach and Horne, in Caithness and the Orkney and Shetland Islands; and they are certainly less intricate than the facts recorded by MM. Falsan and Chantre concerning the intercrossing, interosculation, and direct opposition of erratic paths in Savoy and Dauphiny. We have only to reflect that the great mer de glace– to which, as I believe, all the English phenomena are due – did not come into existence and attain its maximum dimensions in the twinkling of an eye, nor could it afterwards have disappeared in the same sudden manner. On the contrary, a period of local glaciation must have preceded the appearance of the great ice-sheet. At first, and for a long time, permanent snow would be confined to the higher elevations of the land, and glaciers would be limited to mountain-valleys; but as the temperature fell the snow-line would gradually descend, until at last, probably after a prolonged period, it reached what is now the sea-level. Thus the formation of névé and glacier-ice would eventually take place over what are now our low-grounds, and other tracts also, which are now submerged. It is quite impossible that the vast sheets of ice which can be demonstrated to have covered Scotland, a large part of England, Ireland, Scandinavia, and north Germany, and even the limited area of the Faröe Islands, could possibly have been fed by the snow-fields of mountain-heights only. The precipitation and accumulation of snow, and the formation of névé and glacier-ice, must have taken place over enormous regions in what are now the temperate latitudes of Europe.

It is obvious that the direction of ice-flow in the basin of the Irish Sea opposite the south of Scotland and the west of England, while preserving a general southerly trend, would vary at different periods. Before the mer de glace in that basin had attained its climax there must have been a time when the ice, streaming outwards from the high-grounds of Cumberland, was enabled to push its way far westward out into the basin of the Irish Sea. At that time it was still able to hold its own against the pressure exerted by the Scottish ice. But as the general mer de glace increased in thickness, the course of the Cumberland ice would be diverted ever further and further to the south-east, until, eventually, the Scottish ice came to hug the coast of Cumberland, and to overflow Lancashire in its progress towards the south-east. So gorged with ice did the basin of the Irish Sea become, that a portion of the Scottish ice was forced over the plain of Cumberland and up the valley of the Eden, where it coalesced with the ice coming north from the Shap district, and thereafter flowed in an easterly direction to join the great mer de glace of the North Sea basin.

Thus the intercrossings of the Criffel and Cumberland erratics described by Mr. Mackintosh receive a ready explanation by the land-ice theory. Nor do the intercrossings of the Welsh erratics with those derived from Scotland and Cumberland offer any difficulty. The ice coming from the Welsh mountains would naturally be deflected towards south-east by the mer de glace that streamed in that direction, and might quite well have carried its characteristic boulders as far as Birmingham before the general mer de glace had attained its greatest dimensions. But when that period of maximum glaciation arrived, the Welsh boulders would be unable to travel so far towards the east, and the Scottish and Cumberland boulders would then cross the path formerly followed by the felstone erratics from Great Arenig.

Again, it is evident that when the mer de glace was gradually decreasing similar oscillations of the ice-flow would take place, but in reverse order, and thus would give rise to a second series of intercrossings. Moreover, we must remember that the Glacial period was characterised by several great changes of climate. It was not one continuous and prolonged period of cold conditions, but consisted rather of a succession of arctic and genial climates; so that the same countries were overrun at different epochs by successive mers de glace, each of which would rework, denude, and redistribute to a large extent the morainic materials of its predecessor, and thus might well cause even greater complexity in the dispersion of erratics than has yet been recognised anywhere in these islands.

Mr. Mackintosh refers to the occurrence of chalk-flints and Lias fossils associated with northern erratics in the drift-deposits of the west of England, the presence of which, he thinks, is fatal to the theory of transport by land-ice. Thus, he says, chalk-flints, etc., have been met with at Lillieshall (east of Wellington), at Strethill (near Ironbridge), at Seisdon (between Wolverhampton and Bridgenorth), at Wolverhampton, near Stafford, and near Bushbury. Chalk-flints have also been found as far west as Malvern and Hatfield Camp, south of Ledbury. All these erratics have crossed England from the east, according to Mr. Mackintosh and other observers. Not only so, but, as Mr. Mackintosh remarks, those found at Wolverhampton, Birmingham, etc., “must have crossed the course of the northern boulders near its southerly termination.” And since both northern and eastern erratics are found associated in the same drift-deposit, it seems to him “impossible to explain the intercrossing by land-ice or glaciers.” Now, on the contrary, those eastern erratics are scattered over the very districts where I should have expected to find them. The observations of geologists in East Anglia have shown that that region has been invaded by the mer de glace of the North Sea basin.23 This remarkable glacial invasion is proved not only by the direction followed by stones of local derivation, and by boulders which have come south from Scotland and the northern counties, but by the occurrence in the boulder-clay at Carnelian Bay and Holderness of erratics of certain well-known Norwegian rocks, which have been recognised by Mr. Amund Helland. The occurrence of chalk-flints and fragments of Oolitic rocks in the neighbourhoods mentioned by Mr. Mackintosh thus only affords additional evidence in favour of the land-ice origin of the drift-deposits described by him. The mer de glace that flowed down the east coast of England seems to have encroached more and more upon the land, until eventually it swept over the low-lying Midlands in a south-westerly direction, and coalesced with the mer de glace that streamed inland from the basin of the Irish Sea, and the ice that flowed outwards from the high-grounds of Wales. The united ice-stream would thereafter continue on its south-westerly course down the Severn valley to the Bristol Channel. I have no doubt that Mr. Mackintosh will yet chronicle the occurrence of chalk-flints and other eastern erratics from localities much further to the south than Ledbury.

17.The Scottish Naturalist, 1881.
18.Great Ice Age, 2nd edit., p. 609.
19.Proceedings Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh, 1881.
20.For a fuller discussion of the distribution of erratics on the Continent, I may refer to Appendix, Note B, in Prehistoric Europe, where the reader will find references to the literature of this interesting subject. [Continental geologists now recognise a distinct stage of the Ice Age, during which their “Upper Diluvium” was deposited by a great glacier that occupied the basin of the Baltic. This “Great Baltic Glacier” appears to have been contemporaneous with the local ice-sheets and valley-glaciers of the Highlands and other mountain-tracts of our island. See Article X. 1892.]
21.This enthusiastic geologist died in 1891.
22.Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xxxv. p. 425
23.See Mr. Skertchly’s description of East Anglian deposits in Great Ice Age, 2nd edit., p. 358.
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